UNiD Monthly #1

UNiD Product Updates #1 (2021/09/12 ~ 2021/10/16)

UNiD GitHub Published and A Small Bite of UNiD Roadmap

- Published github repo on 12th Sep
- In about a month, we received 76 github stars 🌟

Let's automate device security provisioning

- Share one of CEO's personal experiences that brought us here
- Spend a massive time to set security configurations and build security blocks from scratch on the distributed system.

Implemented Device Management System

- Implemented a feature to enroll and manage edge devices on UNiD Studio

Two updates: Add Readme and AES library written by Rust

- Make a readme with system building blocks
- AES library written by Rust

I recently got to experience programming in rust and it has been one of the best programming experiences of my life

- Arsen, who participated in our 3-days internship program, wrote a blog about coding experience at Rust.

The 3-day internship program

- Why a 3-days internship program?
- We already offered the 3-day program to 3 candidates, and one person got aboard on our team.

WASM Runtime and UNiD SDK

- At the time, we considered to compile the Rust-implemented program into WASM and transform it into C using a great tool like wasm2c.
- To bring the larger or greater output compared to the resources available.

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

- Introduce DH key exchange which is important method of securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public channel for secure session and transport between edge and cloud.

PSA Certified

- Had a discussion with Arm Japan, and introduced PSA certified

What we want to solve with UNiD

- IoT developers have to consider device, network, and cloud security in the device lifetime, which requires a high level of expertise.
- "UNiD" solves the problem that it is difficult for dev teams to develop IoT security from edge to cloud within a limited development lead time.

How to run Rust in MCU

- Now we made decision to choice the way of compiling Rust as a static library (.a) and reference it from C.

UNiD Edge SDK on Cortex-M4F

- Discussed how to run a bare-metal application with UNiD Edge SDK embedded on a Cortex-M4F processor (ARMv7E-M architecture)

Published UNiD SDK for NodeJS

- Published NodeJS version of UNiD SDK which supports supports the creation of DIDs and resolution of DID Documents based on Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0.

Why C Language is Awesome

- Scale down a program and run with an even smaller amount of memory
- High portability, no runtime dependancies

Code integrity of software update

- The concept of secure software update
- Discussed what extent it should be provided as a general-purpose SDK for software update

Pathway to learn DID for engineers (reliable source and references)

- Understand specs. Also refer our past blog: [https://www.getunid.io/did-standards-and-specs](https://www.getunid.io/did-standards-and-specs)
- If your system does not work well, let's debug, sometimes even down to the binary level, to make sure the program follows by W3C and RFC standards.
- If you use UNiD as a 3rd-party implementation, and it does not work as expected, please refer to our official GitHub Issues.

Now we use linter

- At UNiD development, we introduce source code linter, commit log linter, proactive introduction of bots, automate unit and system tests, automate deliverable publishing, and so on.
- Currently, source code linter and commit log linter are already in place.

All blog posts can be found here. If you'd like to be a part of the UNiD community, visit our GitHub. Click Star🌟  if you like.
