
RealWorld example appがいいと聞いて






初日はとりあえず無料チュートリアルの環境作りでseedをcloneしてnpm installして終わりと。

node-express-realworld-example-app [00-seed●] % npm install
audited 295 packages in 2.026s
found 31 vulnerabilities (10 low, 14 moderate, 7 high)
 run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
node-express-realworld-example-app [00-seed●] % npm audit
                      === npm audit security report ===                        
# Run  npm install express@4.17.1  to resolve 10 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > debug                                              │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > finalhandler > debug                               │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > send > debug                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > serve-static > send > debug                        │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ negotiator                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > accepts > negotiator                               │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/106                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ fresh                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > fresh                                              │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/526                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ fresh                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > send > fresh                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/526                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ fresh                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > serve-static > send > fresh                        │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/526                             │

│ Moderate      │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ mime                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > send > mime                                        │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/535                             │

│ Moderate      │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ mime                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ express                                                      │
│ Path          │ express > serve-static > send > mime                         │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/535                             │

# Run  npm install request@2.88.0  to resolve 7 vulnerabilities
│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > hawk > boom > hoek                                 │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek                     │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > hawk > hoek                                        │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > hawk > sntp > hoek                                 │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ tough-cookie                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > tough-cookie                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/525                             │

│ Moderate      │ ReDoS via long string of semicolons                          │
│ Package       │ tough-cookie                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > tough-cookie                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/130                             │

│ Moderate      │ Memory Exposure                                              │
│ Package       │ tunnel-agent                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ request                                                      │
│ Path          │ request > tunnel-agent                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/598                             │

# Run  npm install express-session@1.16.2  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ express-session                                              │
│ Path          │ express-session > debug                                      │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ High          │ Out-of-bounds Read                                           │
│ Package       │ base64-url                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ express-session                                              │
│ Path          │ express-session > uid-safe > base64-url                      │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/660                             │

# Run  npm install method-override@3.0.0  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ method-override                                              │
│ Path          │ method-override > debug                                      │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ method-override                                              │
│ Dependency of │ method-override                                              │
│ Path          │ method-override                                              │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/538                             │

# Run  npm install jsonwebtoken@8.5.1  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ jsonwebtoken                                                 │
│ Path          │ jsonwebtoken > joi > hoek                                    │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ jsonwebtoken                                                 │
│ Path          │ jsonwebtoken > joi > topo > hoek                             │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/566                             │

# Run  npm install mongoose@5.6.0  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mongoose                                                     │
│ Path          │ mongoose > mquery > debug                                    │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ mpath                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ mongoose                                                     │
│ Path          │ mongoose > mpath                                             │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/779                             │

# Run  npm install morgan@1.9.1  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ morgan                                                       │
│ Path          │ morgan > debug                                               │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

│ Moderate      │ Code Injection                                               │
│ Package       │ morgan                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ morgan                                                       │
│ Path          │ morgan                                                       │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/736                             │

# Run  npm install express-jwt@5.3.1  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Moderate      │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ express-jwt                                                  │
│ Path          │ express-jwt > lodash                                         │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/782                             │

│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ express-jwt                                                  │
│ Path          │ express-jwt > lodash                                         │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/577                             │

# Run  npm install slug@1.1.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Moderate      │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ slug                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ slug                                                         │
│ Path          │ slug                                                         │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/537                             │

# Run  npm install body-parser@1.19.0  to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ body-parser                                                  │
│ Path          │ body-parser > debug                                          │
│ More info     │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/534                             │

found 31 vulnerabilities (10 low, 14 moderate, 7 high) in 295 scanned packages
 run `npm audit fix` to fix 22 of them.
 9 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
