


Comic * Hero

At Comic Hero, we will buy all your used comic books and more! We guarantee an offer on every title you bring in provided it meets certain basic requirements. Note that prices may vary depending on various factors:
→comic booksの販売
// guarantee: 提示する、note that~: 〜ことに注意してください、provided: もし〜ならば、factor: 要因

・Condition - Items in mint or flawless condition will fetch a higher price than items that are worn or slightly damaged. At the very least, the comic must be readable. Items with missing or defaced pages will be refused.
// mint: 新品同様、flawless: 完璧な、at the very least: 最低限

・Demand - Items that are highly in demand will also getyou top dollar. Presently, these include Silver Machine issues #1-10, and any issue of Agents of the Crown.

・Rarity - Regardless of demand, we usually pay higher prices for rare or vintage comics (comics published 30 more years ago).

・Unlike other stores, we also buy trading cards, action figures, and original artwork.

All payments are made by check. However, for items of low value, we offer store credit instead. Please send an e-mail to for inquires.
// check: 小切手


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【dodaキャンパス】優良企業からオファーが届く!就活支援サイト 6,800社以上の優良企業から、早期選考やインターンオファーが届く!ベネッセが運営するオファー型就活支援サイト「dodaキ

【dodaキャンパス】優良企業からオファーが届く!就活支援サイト 6,800社以上の優良企業から、早期選考やインターンオファーが届く!ベネッセが運営するオファー型就活支援サイト「dodaキ

