
バイリンガールChika gives me a lot of inspiration【私の推し英語系YouTuber】

I'm watching her 10th anniversary video as a YouTuber right now. It's an-hour long but actually I watched the whole!

She is now pretty famous as a YouTuber and I guess some of you already know about her.

And now after watching long video, I'm thinking of two things.

①She is one of the elements to establish the way I am now.
②I really wanna go abroad. So much.

One is that, it was my high school age when I started to subscribe her channel. I remember I was on YouTube in my room of family house then during the break of studying. I watching just one video of hers and then kept watching for like hours. I couldn't stop at all because many of her videos were super exciting to me and YouTube don't stop recommending the next video!!

I'm sure that it's in her video where I learned how to respond to "How are you?" I knew that it's weird to say "I'm fine thank you, and you?" which is the typical phrase teachers taught us in school in Japan, but I didn't know how to say instead. Actually, since then I say "I'm good" basically every single time, which is the phrase she recommended lol
英語で"How are you?"に対してどう答えればいいのかっていうのはChikaさんの動画の中で覚えた確信。当時、学校で習う"I'm fine thank you, and you?"はネイティブは言わないってのはわかってたけど、じゃあどう言うの?と思ってて、その答えをくれたのがChikaさんだったのをなんとなく覚えてる。それ以降、英語を話すときは基本"I'm good!"で返してる。イェイ。

Another one is that, I WANNA GO ABROAD ASAP! I watched her 10th anniversary video, she is looking back her past 10 years, there appear a loooooooooooot of places that she visited before, Seattle, Los Angels, New York, London, Paris, Vienna, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, a lot. To see her traveling a lot of places, that made me feel like traveling abroad!! Wanna go outside of Japan!! So much!!

Hope we will able to travel around the world very soon. Hopefully.
