
GREwords Collection No.041~No.060

① Children can be so artless that, when you try to explain war to them, they say things like, "But isn't that mean?"

① His artless attempt at negotiating a raise began with "I need more money, please" and ended with "Okay, sorry I asked."

② Hopefully, the investigation will allow us to ascertain who is at fault here.

Ascetics such as monks actually take vows of poverty.

③ the graduate student lived an ascetic existence, her apartment containing only a futon couch and a single bowl and set of chopsticks, which she used to eat ramen noodles every night.

④ Hopefully, the investigation will allow us to ascertain who is at fault here.

④ After losing a million-dollar account, he tried to assuage his furious boss by pointing out that he was close to winning a new account worth at least as much.

⑤ He audaciously asked for a raise after working at company for less than two months.

⑥ If you memorize the definitions of all these flashcards, you will have notably augmented your vocabulary!

⑦ Her design sense was so minimalist as to be austere; all-white walls, hard, wooden furniture, not a single picture, throw pillow, or cozy comfort anywhere.

⑦ The graduation speaker delivered an austere message: the economy is bad, and academic success alone isn't enough to succeed in the job market.

⑧ As leader of an autonomous region, the newly-elected president was received as a peer by some world leaders, although he was not entitled to send a representative to the United Nations.

⑧ It is normal for young people to desire grater autonomy as they grow up.

⑨ "Despite your insistence that ethic are completely situational", said the philosophy professor, "I aver that the existence of natural rights inevitably leads to certain immutable ethical boundaries."

⑩ An avid cyclist, she was on her bike weekend, and even bought the same bike that Lance Armstrong last used in the Tour de France,

Avid of power, the young Senator compromised every principle to gain the support - and money - of large corporations.

⑪ At the company retreat, he reluctantly agreed to participate in the ropes course, but balked at walking over hot coals as a "trust exercise."

⑫ His philanthropy was underlined by truly base motives - he not only craved the fawning publicity his donations brought, but he was actually funneling drug money through the Children Defense Fund!

⑫ The supposed "gold bricks" were base metals covered in a very thin layer of reak gold.

⑬ The actress's public persona as a perky "girl nest door" belied her private penchant for abusing her assistants and demanding that her trailer be filled with ridiculous luxury goods.

⑬ The data belie the accepted theory - either we've made a mistake, or we have an amazing new discovery on our hands!

⑭ He was relieved when the biopsy results came back, informing him that the growth was benign.

⑭ He's a benign fellow. i'm sure having him assigned to your team at work will be perfectly pleasant, without the way you do things.

⑮ The back of this bodybuilding magazine is just full of ads for bogus products - this one promises 22-inch biceps just from wearing magnetic armbands!

⑯ The general requested reinforcement to bolster the defensive line set up at the borders.

⑯ Many people use alcohol to bolster their confidence before approaching an attractive person in a bar.

⑰ Milton was such a boor that, when Jane brought him home to meet her parents, he laughed at their garden gnome and made fun of everyone's hairstyles in old family photos. "Don't be so boorish!" said his mortified girlfriend.

⑱ During the colonial era, England wanted Georgia as a buffer between its original colonies and Spanish Florida.

⑱ A railroad car has a buffer (similar to a bumper on a car) to absorb shock in case of contact with other cars.

⑱ When Joel came out to his family, he used his mother as a buffer - he knew she would be supportive, so he allowed her to relay the news to everyone else, and to relay their responses back to him.

⑲ Some nations have a worse reputation for bureaucracy than others - in order to get a visa, he had to file papers with four different agencies, wait for hours in three different waiting rooms, and, weeks later, follow up with some petty bureaucrat who complained that the original application should've been filed in triplicate.

⑳ The dictator was concerned about the people's burgeoning discontent and redoubled his personal security.

⑳ Spending an hour a day on vocabulary studies will soon cause your lexicon to burgeon.


artless : 1. ​simple, natural and honest (the artless sincerity of a young child)、2. ​made without skill or art