
GREwords Collection No.061~No.080

① A self-defense class really helped to buttress Elaine's confidence.

① David used his ph.D. as a buttress against criticism. "I have a doctorate," he would say. "I just don't think you can understand."

② At the nursing home, the time to reminisce about bygone days was pretty much all the time.

② It's tempting to spend our whole high school reunion talking about bygones, but instead, let's toast to the future!

③ The first day of elementary school marching band practice was nothing but cacophony, as students who hadn't learned to play their instruments at all nevertheless banged on or puffed air into them.

④ Allow me to be candid; you do look rather portly in those pants, and I think you should wear something else.

④ You have been really secretive about where you've been going after work; we could use a little more candor in this relationship.

⑤ School board often start controversies when replacing canonical books in he curriculum with modern literature; while many people think students should read works more relevant to their lives, others point out that Moby dick is part of the canon for a reason.

⑥ the head master's punishment were capricious - break the rules one day, you get a warning; break them another day, you get expelled.

⑥ who needs a plan? A date is more fun with a little caprice - let's just start driving and see what we find!

⑦ The invention of better navigation tools had major effects on cartography - the more ships knew precisely where they were sailing, the better the world could be mapped.

⑧ At grocery store, the mother attracted stares when she castigated - rather than merely admonished - her child for throwing a box of instant oatmeal.

⑨ The young manager was a catalyst at the stodgy old company - once he introduced employee laptops, telecommuting, and mobile workstations, even the most conventional of employee totally changed the way they worked.

⑨ Reaching 500 pounds on the scale was a catalyst for Marcus to really change his lifestyle.

⑩ Wait, those chemicals are caustic! You need safety gloves and goggles before performing this experiment, or else you risk not only getting your skin burned off, but also some seriously caustic remarks from our chemistry teacher.

⑪ The Senator was censured by the senate for campaign fund improprieties - in fact, he narrowly avoided being expelled from office.

⑫ He's such a chauvinist that he denies that any other nation could be better than ours at anything - he insists our wine is better than France's, our ski slopes are better than Norway's, and even that we grow more rice than China! Absurd.

⑬ Joey, I'm afraid you've done the assignment wrong - the point of making a timeline is to put the information in chronological order. You've made an alphabetical-order-line instead!

⑭ As soon as a scent of scandal emerged, the press was clamoring for details.

⑭ The mayor couldn't even make herself heard over the clamor of the protesters.

⑮ When their best player was benched, the team fell behind, but once he was allowed back in the game, the team was able to clinch the win.

⑮ Those two pieces have been clinched together with a clamp while the glue dries.

⑯ While at first everyone on the team was jockeying for power and recognition, eventually, the group coalesced and everyone was happy to share credit a job well-done.

⑯ East and West coalesced into a single country in 1990.

⑰ Studying logic is an excellent way to improve at formulating cogent arguments.

⑰ Nurses who work in the Alzheimer's ward must develop skills for communicating with people who are often not cogent.

⑱ According to the course catalog, you may take Advanced Japanese following JapaneseⅢ or commensurate experience with the language.

⑲ The coach gave a pep talk; "I know we've never won a championship before, but we do have an advantage over the six-time state champions we're about to play - they have grown complacent with their success, and now they just assume they'll win without having to sweat."

To castrate a male animal is to surgically remove its testicles. A veterinarian castrates a male dog to ensure that it can't mate with a female and produce unwanted puppies.

People often choose to castrate pets or farm animals to keep them from reproducing.Castrate is one of several words used to refer to this process; most pet owners prefer terms such as neuter or fix. Castrate comes from a Latin root, castrare, which means not just "to castrate," but also "to prune." The word has also come to mean "to take away strength."

⑳ "That scarf really complements your outfit," said Elle. "Thanks for the compliment," said Danica.

⑳ The couple had complementary personalities - when Mark git overwhelmed with the details, Lee took care of everything, and when Lee got too introspective, Mark cheered him up with an insatiable zest for life.


⑯ jockey for〔…を得ようと〕策略を用いる,うまく立ち回る 〔for〕.

⑳ complementary: 補足的な 【叙述的用法の形容詞】 〔+to+(代)名〕〔…を〕補足して 〔to〕