
私たちはお互いに運命の相手ではないのです。"We are not meant for each other".

Hello, I am back, it has been a long time that I have posted an article. I have been in a vacation.

We are not mean for each other. This is a sentence is simple to understand but hard to explain. For some, it just means that it is the ending of something that didn't go well, while for others it means that they found someone else whom they consider more compatible or the one they truly deserve.

But how do you decide or know that someone is not meant for you. For me, I consider things that are not meant for you if the one you think is meant for you not happy or you see that the person or thing is happy to other or someone else.

Even you are experiencing the happiest moments in your life with the one but you see that he or she is not satisfied with you or still looking for someone else this means that he is not meant for you.

So for me the sentence "We are not meant for each other" means letting go. Who knows if you think that your are not meant for each other but in the end or if the destiny thinks you really are time will come. But don't expect maybe there is really no one meant for you or there will be someone new coming to you.

This is article is inspired by my own experience and the series in netflix, XO, Kitty.
