

Putin arrives in Saudi Arabia

The Russian president was given a royal welcome in Riyadh

Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in Riyadh on Wednesday, as part of his Middle East tour. He is scheduled to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other officials of the Kingdom, which is about to become a member of BRICS next month.
ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は水曜日、中東歴訪の一環としてリヤドに到着した。 同氏は来月、BRICS加盟を控えているサウジアラビアのムハンマド・ビン・サルマン皇太子やサウジの他の当局者らと会談する予定だ。

Half a dozen high-ranking Saudi officials greeted the Russian leader as he stepped off the plane, and escorted him to the motorcade waiting to take him to the royal palace.

Earlier in the day, Putin visited the United Arab Emirates and met with UAE leader Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Emirates put on a show to welcome him, with fighter jets drawing the Russian flag in the sky and his motorcade escorted by horse- and camel-mounted guards.
その日の早朝、プーチン大統領はアラブ首長国連邦を訪問し、UAEの指導者シェイク・モハメド・ビン・ザイード・アール・ナヒヤーンと会談した。 エミレーツ航空は、戦闘機が空にロシア国旗を描き、馬やラクダに乗った警備員が彼の車列を護衛するなど、彼を歓迎するショーを行った。

According to the Kremlin, the talks in Abu Dhabi focused on prospects for further development of bilateral cooperation, “as well as pressing international issues with the emphasis on the situation in the Middle East.”

Discussions with Crown Prince bin Salman, meanwhile, will touch on the price of oil, the Ukraine conflict, and the situation in Gaza. The two leaders and their aides will also discuss trade and investment plans, according to TASS.
一方、ビン・サルマン皇太子との協議では、原油価格、ウクライナ紛争、ガザ情勢などに触れることになる。 タス通信によると、両首脳と側近は貿易・投資計画についても話し合う予定。

“We expected you in Moscow,” Putin told bin Salman at the start of their meeting, noting that “circumstances made adjustments to those plans.”

“But nothing can hinder the development of our friendly relations,” the Russian leader added. “While here in the region on a planned visit to the UAE, I took advantage of your invitation to meet with you and all the other friends we’ve been developing ties with for the past seven years. But the next meeting should be in Moscow!”
「しかし、我々の友好関係の発展を妨げるものは何もない」とロシアの指導者は付け加えた。 「UAEへの訪問を計画しこの地域に滞在している間、私はあなたの招待を利用して、あなたや私たちが過去7年間関係を築いてきた他の友人たち全員と会いました。 しかし、次の会合はモスクワで行われるはずです!」

Russia and Saudi Arabia are both members of OPEC+, which agreed last week to further cut production to boost oil prices. Riyadh was approved to join the trade group of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) as of January 2024.
ロシアとサウジアラビアはともにOPECプラスの加盟国であり、原油価格を押し上げるためにさらなる減産を行うことで先週合意した。 リヤドは、2024年1月付けでブラジル、ロシア、インド、中国、南アフリカの貿易グループ(BRICS)に参加することが承認された。

Bloomberg described the Russian leader’s Middle East trip as “defying US and European efforts to isolate him on the global stage.”

