

Why This Housing Downturn Isn’t Like the Last One

A postcrisis mortgage-market makeover and an overhaul of the financial system make a repeat of 2008 unlikely

The pandemic housing boom is over. The bust will look nothing like the last one.

Before the financial crisis of 2008, lenders barely bothered to verify mortgage applicants’ income. Today they demand reams of evidence that borrowers can afford their loans.

Banks once held big pools of shoddy mortgages with little consequence. Now such exotic debt securities hardly exist, and banks would find them too costly to hold anyway.

Underwater mortgages have given way to hefty cushions of home equity, particularly after a run-up in prices over the past two years.

A 28% decline in U.S. home prices between 2006 and 2009 sent the value of some 11 million homes below their mortgage balances, triggering widespread defaults, a near-collapse of the financial system and a deep recession. Home prices would have to fall between 40% and 45% from their peak to put the same proportion of mortgaged homes underwater today, according to a CoreLogic analysis.

Mortgage rates have just about doubled since the start of the year, sapping demand and prompting some economists to pencil in year-over-year national price declines in 2023.

Yet the redesign of the nation’s lending apparatus and overhaul of the financial system meant to insulate it better from economic shocks make a repeat of 2008 exceedingly unlikely, according to policy makers and bankers.

“I think one of the reasons people don’t appreciate the reforms is that they were built brick by brick,” said Tim Mayopoulos, who oversaw the mortgage company Fannie Mae in the wake of the crisis and is now an executive at the mortgage-technology firm Blend Labs Inc.

Between 2006 and 2014, about 9.3 million households went through foreclosure, gave up their home to a lender or sold in a distressed sale, according to a 2015 estimate from the National Association of Realtors. Others went through loan-modification programs aimed at reducing their monthly payments.

He was laid off from his job at a home builder as the housing market slowed. He fell behind on his mortgage payments. He lost investment properties to foreclosure, and his credit score plunged. He spent over a year working with his lender to modify the terms of the mortgage on his family’s San Clemente, Calif., home.

“I’m thinking, ‘Should I even mow my lawn anymore? Because I’m probably going to get this house taken from me, too,’ ” he said.

Mr. Vaughn found his footing as the housing market recovered. He now owns and operates a swimming pool construction franchise. In 2016, he and his family of five sold their house at a profit and used the proceeds to put roughly 20% down on their current home.
