
ジェフリー・エプスタインのリスト:裁判所がギレーヌ・マックスウェル訴訟で名前を封印解除/FOX News

Jeffrey Epstein list: Court unseals names in Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit

Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre's 2015 lawsuit finally leads to name drop
ジェフリー・エプスタインのリスト 裁判所はギスレーヌ・マクスウェル訴訟の名前を公表

Nearly 200 names that had previously been redacted from court documents in a lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein's former lover and accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell have been made public on orders of a federal judge in New York.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ordered their release in December but gave the Jane and John Does two weeks in case they wanted to appeal.

The names were unveiled in a series of 40 documents that have been posted to the docket without previous redactions that hid big names including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, Clinton's estranged longtime aide Doug Band, Prince Andrew, the late former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and the French modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, who like Epstein died while awaiting trial.

Epstein had many high-profile connections, including former U.S. presidents, foreign prime ministers and Britain's Prince Andrew, as well as Hollywood stars, leading academics, people in the modeling and fashion industries and other public figures. Some of the names were previously known through other means despite having been withheld from the public's eye in the lawsuit.
エプスタインには、元アメリカ大統領、外国の首相、イギリスのアンドリュー王子をはじめ、ハリウッドスター、一流の学者、モデル業界やファッション業界の人々など、多くの有名人とのつながりがあった。 そのうちの何人かは、この訴訟では公表されていないにもかかわらず、以前は別の手段で知られていた。

Many of the names belong to people who have not been accused of wrongdoing, including Clinton, who also declined to ask the court to have his name remain sealed.

A spokesperson for Clinton also denied claims in one of the documents that alleged the former president and Epstein had a "close personal relationship."

Other names unsealed Wednesday included billionaire Glenn Dubin and his former private chef Rinaldo Rizzo. Previously released documents revealed that Rizzo claimed Epstein and Maxwell once visited Dubin's house with a disoriented, 15-year-old Swedish girl who told him the couple asked her for sex and that her passport had been taken. Others mentioned include Tony Figueroa, Limited Brands founder and former Victoria's Secret CEO Les Wexner, and Epstein accusers such as Johanna Sjoberg and Annie Farmer.
水曜日に公開された他の名前には、億万長者のグレン・デュビンと彼の元プライベート・シェフのリナルド・リッツォが含まれていた。リッツォは、エプスタインとマクスウェルが15歳のスウェーデン人少女を連れてドゥビンの家を訪れ、その少女がドゥビンにセックスを求められ、パスポートを奪われたと話したと主張している。 その他、トニー・フィゲロア、リミテッド・ブランズ創業者で元ヴィクトリアズ・シークレットCEOのレス・ウェクスナー、そしてヨハンナ・ショベルグやアニー・ファーマーといったエプスタインの告発者たちが挙げられている。


A notable new name is David Copperfield – who was himself accused of sexually assaulting a teen model and is described in the documents as a friend of Epstein.

Sjoberg, according to a deposition in the lawsuit claimed that Epstein once told her "Clinton likes them young, referring to girls" and that Copperfield, a friend of Epstein's, "did some magic tricks" at dinner.

Graphic content warning: Exhibit #12 the deposition of Johanna Sjoberg
グラフィックコンテンツに関する警告: 証拠 #12 ヨハンナ・ショーベルグの証言録取書


Sjoberg also brought up Trump, claiming that Epstein once claimed he'd call the billionaire businessman when his helicopter had to be rerouted to Atlantic City because it couldn't land in New York. She also stated she had never given massages to Trump, the director George Lucas or Marvin Minsky, a renowned computer scientist who died in 2016.
ショーバーグ氏はまた、トランプ氏のことを持ち出し、エプスタイン氏がかつてヘリコプターがニューヨークに着陸できずアトランティックシティにルートを変更しなければならなかったとき、億万長者の実業家に電話すると主張したことがある、と主張した。 彼女はまた、トランプ氏やジョージ・ルーカス監督、2016年に亡くなった著名なコンピューター科学者マービン・ミンスキー氏にマッサージをしたことはないと述べた。

Read Exhibit #9
証拠 #9 を読む


In a typo-filled email from Epstein to Maxwell, the sex trafficker accused Giuffre of fabricating her allegations against him and mentioned one "stven hawking" and an "underage orgy." In that same document, another email showed a publicist for Maxwell bragging about some "helpful leakage" with links to articles in the Daily Mail and Daily News.
エプスタインからマクスウェルに宛てたタイプミスだらけの電子メールの中で、性的人身売買業者はジュフリーが自分に対する告発を捏造したと非難し、「スティーブン・ホーキング」と「未成年者の乱交」について言及した。 同じ文書の別の電子メールには、マクスウェルの広報担当者がデイリー・メールとデイリー・ニュースの記事へのリンクを付けて「有益な漏洩」について自慢していることが示されていた。


Several were withheld for various reasons, including names of some of Epstein's underage victims and at least one person who the judge said had been falsely identified.

Dubin and his wife, Eva Andersson Dubin, who had previously dated Epstein, have previously denied any knowledge of the late financier’s behavior.

The names were all previously redacted documents in a lawsuit against Maxwell from Virginia Giuffre, an Epstein accuser who said he trafficked her to his private island, Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands before her 18th birthday. The parties settled out of court in 2017. She also sued and received a settlement from Prince Andrew.

In a separate criminal case, Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years behind bars for sex trafficking Epstein's victims.

The release comes amid a fight in Congress to release the names of Epstein's clients and people who traveled on his private jet. Tennessee Republicans Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Tim Burchett have accused Democrats of "stonewalling" their requests for those documents.
この公開は、エプスタイン氏の顧客やプライベートジェットで旅行した人々の名前を公開するという議会での闘いのさなかに行われた。 テネシー州共和党のマーシャ・ブラックバーン上院議員とティム・バーチェット下院議員は、民主党がこれらの文書の要求を「妨害」したと非難した。

"It appears that bad actors within our government are going to great lengths to protect the pedophiles who took Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet," Blackburn wrote on X in late December. "I will not stop working to reveal their identities. The American people deserve to know every name on that list."
ブラックバーン氏は12月下旬、「政府内の悪人たちが、ジェフリー・エプスタインのプライベートジェットに乗った小児性愛者たちを守るためにあらゆる努力をしているようだ」とXに書いた。 「私は彼らの身元を明らかにする努力をやめません。アメリカ国民はそのリストにあるすべての名前を知る権利があります。」

Giuffre praised the lawmakers' involvement on X herself while taunting some of Epstein's previously unnamed associates.
ジュフレは、エプスタインのこれまで名前が挙がっていなかった仲間の何人かを嘲笑しながら、議員たちの 関与をXで自ら賞賛した。

"Finally we are hearing members of the US government senators about the need for transparency and a call to arms for accountability!!" she wrote on X. "There’s going to be a lot of nervous ppl over Christmas and New Year, 170 to be exact, who’s on the naughty list?"

