
No ethical mind in Space Developments of Private Sectors…Who deals with Space Debris, Elon Musk manages? You do?

Every day people with space business are launching enormous number of satellites, especially in low earth orbits. 
Year by year our space, and at the same time future kids space, is being cotaminated by those pieces of satellites. No effective idea has been brouht to us for a long time.
People, just business sectors, are so crazy about owning their own satellite network systems for communicatiom links. This is mainly for thir business, in other words, for Money. If this is not true, please give us your rationale.
Most silly thing is that they have never reveals their idea about how to clean up those space debris.
NASA has given up their ethical role to avoid such dirty way of space development.
Anyway as soon as possible, we want to listen to their resolution on this issue.
Please say something on this!
