
Why do the elderly get hooked on netouyo (online right-wingers) ? ~~A thousand blog readers go out of control over "For Japan, For justice".

ここでは日本のネトウヨ【netouyo (online right-wingers)】に関心を持つ多くの海外の方々にも知っていただきたいと思い、その第1回分を英訳して紹介します。参考にしていただければ幸いです。

“It is thought that a large number of those who are demanding formal disciplinary action are middle-aged and elderly. Many people have also sought amicable settlement, the youngest among them aged in their 40’s, often in their 60’s and 70’s...”

Reporting this is the lawyer later described as the “party concerned” in the mass formal demand for disciplinary action against lawyer incident, Ryo Sasaki.

Notices of formal demand for disciplinary action started arriving at Mr. Sasaki’s office in June 2017. All were from strangers. Moreover, the amount was staggering. The number of notices increased from 100, 200, eventually exceeding 3,000, in what had become an absurd situation.

Formal demand for disciplinary action is a procedure to request disciplinary punishment in response to misconduct by a lawyer. If it is acknowledged that the lawyer has not acted in good faith according to a client’s request, or is in breach of professional ethics or morality, the lawyer will be punished, for example, with suspension of their legal business.

However, Mr. Sasaki didn’t know anything about it. Naturally, since he had never met any of the people demanding formal disciplinary action.

This was what written as the reason for discipline in the notices.

“Approving statements for illegal grant subsidy requests for a Korean school, and the act of promoting such activities, is active engagement in the double crime of conscience and criminal offense, not only for the Japan Federation of Bar Associations but also this organization.”

This is alleging that approving statements requesting grants to a Korean school issued by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and each bar association is illegal.

Mr. Sasaki is a lawyer specializing in labor issues and belongs to Tokyo Bar Association that issued the statements, however he is a “rank and file” lawyer (Mr. Sasaki), and so is not involved whatsoever in creating statements or so forth. For arguments’ sake, even if he was involved in the statements, it is clear that such involvement is not illegal.

From the outset, it was presumed that there was someone provoking the issue. This was because almost all the notices had the same wording.

Mr. Sasaki was in fact not the only subject of formal demand for disciplinary action. More than 100 lawyers belonging to 21 bar associations nationwide were targets, and in total 130,000 demands had been issued.

Blog flare up

It is known that a large number of the claimants had been instigated by blog known as "Yomei Sannen Jiji Nikki." It is a popular blog among online right-wingers that advocates to drive out foreign residents in Japan, and readers are called on for various actions.

Stating that bar association statements for requesting grants to a Korean school was “illegal,” samples of the formal demand for disciplinary action were created. Lawyers who became targets for discipline were also people who had been designated in the blog mentioned above.

The “action” called for was conducted by numbers of people reaching close to 1,000. As mentioned in the opening, a large number of those were men and women in their later years, with the talk turning to “For Japan,” “For justice.”

To be honest, I was shocked. Far from being children who don’t know left from right, adult citizens with plenty of experience, the elderly supposedly with discretion, were at taken in by what was at best a delusion published online. I can only think that this must be some kind of social pathology.

三宅雪子(みやけ ゆきこ)
1965年(昭和40年)3月5日ワシントン生まれ B型のうお座(雪が降っていたため雪子と名付けられる)。
