

I slept a lot today! And surprisingly, we had snow again while I thought the last time was the last snow this year. And we had snow today even though it is in March today:0

In Spanish class, we used a story, which I could not understand at all last night. With the help of other students and professor I was able to deepen my understanding, but I was sad because others were comprehending much more than me. In ENTS class, we first discussed what environmental justice studies was, mentioning some pillars. I was shocked to know "racial expendability," regarding brown and black people as consumable. Then, we had a guest speaker, who is voluntarily hunting some beavers inside Carleton College to preserve the ecosystem. It was really interesting. After the class, I started to write an application essay for Carleton and received Daichi's present of rusks. I'm so happy:) At night, I did my readings for HIST class tomorrow, prepared the final essay of HIST, and did WeRuby. And surprisingly, when I was eating dinner with my friends, I got an admission from Mount Allison University! I'm so glad that I was accepted to study there, but I have to consider more about my path getting other results as well.
