
The dread of vast possibilities

Sauntering along the beach in the height of the golden hour one invariably happens upon those who came carrying the same intent.  A throng of people from all walks of life. Suddenly a cold dread overcomes me having seen the vast diversity of life. 

The view of this puts your image of yourself into a clear perspective. What I am and what I could be is widened through the consideration of variety. Where else, but a place such as a beach, does one see such diversity? 

What you cherish, what you do not have and have forgotten you want, what you could never be, all bare on a dreadful display on the twilight beach. Such encounters leave me questioning my life and what I want to do. The feeling is amplified when I am alone. This time around I was not, which cushioned the blow. 

 What to take from this is entirely on me. The severance from the familiar challenges your core being. 
