
2023SS MYベストコスメ


My best cosmetics for the first half of 2023 while rushing in! Although I was shocked when the Amplitude brand ended, it was half a year that I met various wonderful cosmetics.All of them are really favorites and indispensable items ✨

スキンケア&ベースメイク / Skincare&Basemake


2023SSベスコス スキンケア&ベースメイク編
2023SS BestCosme Skincare&Basemake

メイクアップ アイメイク / Eyemake items

The eyeshadow palette is limited item of "Amplitude" and "LUNASOL". Both are very cute with a single coat of transparency. Wonjongyo's tear bag pencil and Maybelline's Lash Nista both have excellent staying power, so you can rest assured all day long.

2023SSベスコス アイメイク編
2023SS BestCosme EyeMake

メイクアップ リップ&チーク/ Lips&Cheek

チークとリップ両方にAmplituideのSSの新色。白みピンクが本当に可愛い。こういう色出してくれるブランドさんってなかなかないのに…。Amplitudeどうしてブランド終了してしまうんだろう 涙
Cheeks and lips are new colors of Amplituide SS. White pink is really cute. It's hard to find a brand that can bring out this kind of color... It's really sad that the Amplitude brand is ending. EXCEL's blush is a magical item that increases transparency by applying blush normally and layering it on top of it. I feel like it's a pretty brevet item. Visee's nenma crouge is not dry, but the color lasts well.

2023SSベスコス リップ&チーク編
2023SS BestCosme Lips&Cheek

I am really looking forward to seeing new cosmetics in 2023AW !
