Naoko Ishikawa


Naoko Ishikawa



  • Excelの備忘録


  • illustratorでトレース練習してみた!



Afternoon Tea@Hotel New Grand

I went to the lounge "La Terrasse" of Hotel New Grand for afternoon tea which I was curious about while searching the internet yesterday. I went there 40 minutes after the opening at 12:40 without a reservation, but it was full. And I was s

    • Drink for the first time in a long time

      And I ate dinner outside for the first time in a while. I feel that eating delicious food and what I want to eat is the best for both mental health and physical health. When I eat something delicious or what I want to eat, I feel that it pr

      • Misaddressed e-mail in Spanish

        When I checked the email at the office in the morning, there was an email in Spanish with a wrong name. I didn't understand Spanish at all, so I had no idea what it said, and I translated it from Spanish into Japanese on "Mirai Translate" i

        • ショートカットキーの壁紙

          ショートカットキーを検索しなくても覚えられるように壁紙にするといいのでは?と思って、ググっていたら見つけました!! 【ダウンロード】ショートカットキー時短ワザ大全 既に知っているものもあるけれど、知らないものの方が多いので、ふと気になった時すぐ目に入るところにあると便利です!!

        Afternoon Tea@Hotel New Grand


        • Excelの備忘録
        • illustratorでトレース練習してみた!


          TANITA Cafe@Yokohama

          I didn't know there was a Tanita cafe in Yokohama, so I wanted to go there for lunch if I had a chance. Finally I went today. For lunch, there are 6 kinds of one-plate dishes which you can choose the main dish, a lunch set with a main dish

          TANITA Cafe@Yokohama

          Omotesando Hills!!

          I went to Omotesando for the first time in more than 10 years. On the way from Shibuya to Omotesando and also on Omotesando, I felt like I came to a town I didn't know by looking at many new shops. The fact that you don't know a lot of thin

          Omotesando Hills!!


          たくさんWebページを開いてて、いちいちマウスでクリックして選択するのが面倒くさい、Webページ間の移動を楽にしたいと思って検索したら、ショートカットキーがありました(≧▽≦) ブラウザのタブ切り替え Ctrl + Tab



          Today’s Lunch@Yamamoto no Hamburg!

          Today’s Lunch@Yamamoto no Hamburg!


          Today’s Lunch@GABURICO

          I really wanted to eat meat today, so I had chicken, sausage and beef on the one plate for lunch. The mobile order system was introduced due to the influence of Corona and it was a private room, so I could relax and fully enjoy it😆✨🌈

          Today’s Lunch@GABURICO

          It's gonna be an elegant tea time!

          On my way home from work I went to Maria Jouflair and bought some tea. I bought two kinds, Bolero and Darjeeling Rose D'himalaya, and when I got a list of the brands of tea in the shop, I was surprised that there were hundreds of kinds!

          It's gonna be an elegant tea time!

          Excel VBAの備忘録

          今朝、今まで検索しまくって地道に書いていたVBAを誤って削除してしまい( ̄▽ ̄;)、「備忘録って大切」と感じたので、ここにメモしておきます!(^^)! 超初心者レベルでお恥ずかしい限りですが…。 ◆エクセルファイルを変数に格納する。 Dim wb1 As Workbook Set wb1 = Workbooks("ブック名") ◆エクセルの表にオートフィルターを設定する。 wb1.Worksheets("シート名").Range("A1").AutoFilt

          Excel VBAの備忘録


          Excelで同じブックに複数のシートがあり、何度もシート間を行ったり来たりする際、その度にキーボードからマウスへ手が移動するのが面倒くさいなぁと思っていたら、シート間を移動するショートカットがありました! Ctrl + Fn + PageUp/PageDn



          『苦しい時は電話して』も読みました。「いのっちの電話」を10年以上続けている坂口恭平さんって、どんな精神構造してるんだろうと興味が湧きまして。2冊読んでわかったことは「この人はやりたくないことはやらない」から「いのっちの電話」が続けられているんだということでした(私の勝手な理解です)。 薬=「毎日」飲む=お風呂や歯磨きや睡眠=日課、だから、自分の薬をつくる=自分の日課をつくって毎日実行します。そのうち体が変わってきて気持ちも変わってくる、と。日課をつくる時にもコツがあって、


          1/11 Praise will motivate me!!

          Today, I went to the dentist and I was praised to continue taking care of my mouth as usual. She said that it is properly cared every day and the inside of my mouth is clean! Praise will motivate me!

          1/11 Praise will motivate me!!

          1/9 In the middle of the slump!!

          I've been in the middle of the slump since the end of last month. What I used to enjoy is getting harder. But I wanted to feel that I was growing, so I tried to push myself even harder, but it doesn't seem to be good. When I realize that,

          1/9 In the middle of the slump!!

          12/30 "Nōmen Joshi no Hanako-san" written by Ryo Oda

          Today, I went to Book Off for the first time in a while and read Manga while standing. What I was reading today is "Nōmen Joshi no Hanako-san" written by Ryo Oda. This is quite interesting! The characters all have the unique common sense! T

          12/30 "Nōmen Joshi no Hanako-san" written by Ryo Oda