



On the 10th, Princess Noriko Akishino attended an ikebana exhibition being held in Tokyo.

Princess Noriko arrived at a department store in Tokyo around 9:30 a.m. The ``Yamamura Goryu Ikebana Exhibition'' is an exhibition of a school whose head priest is the head priest of Enshoji Temple, which has deep connections to the imperial family.

Princess Noriko, who has seen the works many times in private, was able to look around at the works, which were arranged to look like they were blooming naturally, while listening to an explanation from the head of the house.

山村御流は奈良市山町にある臨済宗妙心寺派の尼寺 大和円照寺で

         斑鳩の中宮寺 佐保路の法華寺と大和三門跡のひとつです

Yamamura Goryu is located at Yamato Enshoji, a nunnery of the Myoshinji sect of the Rinzai sect in Yamamachi, Nara City.

It is one of the Hokkeji Temple and the site of the Yamato Sanmon in Ikaruga's Chunamiya Temple Sahoji.

It is a nunnery where a person with ties to the imperial family is appointed as the chief priest


