
【Playlists】1960s Early Funk / P-Funk

1964年、James Brownは『Out Of Sight』をリリース。ファンク界のゴッドファーザーである彼が、初めて発表したファンクナンバーだ。





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In 1964, James Brown released "Out Of Sight".
It was the first Funk number released by the godfather of Funk.

Funk combines the deep, dynamic elements of Soul and Jazz with a rhythmic, danceable emphasis.

Accents of bass, percussion, horns, and synths are layered with a primal energy that creates a pulsating groove.

Compared to Soul, which focuses on lyrics and record production, Funk finds its value in captivating the groove in a live.

Everyone has their own way of grooving.
You don't need to stop the body in motion.
Just let yourself be carried away by the hot, surging groove.


Parliament と Funkadelic を中心とした音楽集団、かつ音楽ジャンルであるP-Funk。


Funkの渦にSF, 旧約聖書, フリーメイソン, クローン, エジプト神話, ヴードゥー教などのあらゆる事物をブチ込む、というイカれたコンセプトが根幹にあるのだ…!


カリスマGeorge Clintonの元に、世界を揺るがすほどの音楽的才能が集結したP-Funkは、後にHIPHOPやTechno(テクノ)、Popsなどに大きな影響を与えていく。


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P-Funk is a musical collective and genre centered on Parliament and Funkadelic.

This group does not just play Funk in flashy outfits.

The group is based on the crazy concept of mixing Science fiction, the Old Testament, Freemasonry, Cloning, Egyptian mythology, Voodoo, and all sorts of other things into the vortex of Funk...!

In fact, every album they have released has a concept, and they are all linked together like a mythology.

P-Funk, a world-shaking collection of musical talent under the charismatic George Clinton, would later have a major impact on HipHop, Techno, and Pops etc...

Are you ready to dive into the P-Funk universe, a universe that is still a mystery to us, and one that we will never fully understand?
