
Google I/O 2019 デザイン関連セッション紹介 #io19jp


さて、1年はあっと言う間。気つけば来月GW明けにもうGoogle I/O です!


後日、Google Designがブログで正式に何か情報公開すると思うので、そうなったらそっちをご覧ください。
※ 便宜上 Designのセッション名の頭に数字を付けました。

2019/05/07 - Day 1

Google Keynote
Tue. May 7, 10:00am - 12:00pm @Amphitheatre
Developer Keynote
Tue. May 7, 12:45pm - 1:45pm @Amphitheatre

直接的にデザイン関連ではないですが、Googleの「今」と会社のビジョン、目指している社会やあるべき姿の問いかけなど、ワクワクする発表が毎年多いキーノード。午後からDeveloperキーノートは、最新の技術紹介で今年のI/Oの全体像が把握できます。毎年朝から一番盛り上がる2枠です(いや、夜のライブの方が盛り上がりますw)ちなみに、去年はDeveloperキーノートでMaterial Design 2.0としてMaterial Themingが発表されました。



1. Beyond Mobile: Material Design, Adaptable UIs, and Flutter
Tue. May 7, 2:00pm - 3:00pm @Stage 5

The Material Components library has grown since Flutter's launch. Learn what's new, how to use it with our iOS Design Language library Cupertino, and how to apply it across varying screen sizes, interaction models, and viewing distances.

Speakers: Will LarcheAnthony Robledo

Material ComponentsのFlutterのCupertinoウィジット(iOS向けのデザインライブラリー)の紹介セッション。

去年「Material Componentsは、Material Design Components(MDC)へ名称を変更しました」とか宣言してたけど、結局戻った?

2. Prototyping Voice Experiences: Design Sprints for the Google Assistant
Tue. May 7, 2:00pm - 3:00pm @Stage 7

Design Sprints are well understood for prototyping traditional digital experiences, but when it comes to running a Sprint for a conversational design experience the format must be adjusted to include not just voice prototyping, but also training and improvisation methods. In this talk, learn the technical aspects of structuring and running a Conversation Design Sprint, highlighting partner Google Assistant experiences created with this format.

Speakers: Walter BrillKai Haley

Google Design Sprint AcademyをリードしてるKai@kaihaley)とCxDのボスキャラ Walter@WallyBrill)によるConvoSprint(Conversation Design Sprint)セッションです。

3. Sound Design and Sonic Brand
Tue. May 7, 6:00pm - 7:00pm @Stage 7

Learn best practices for sound design, integrating sound design in products and experiences, and branding experiences with sound. 

Speaker: Conor O'Sullivan


2019/05/08 - Day 2

What's New in Android Studio UI Design and Debugging Tools
Wed. May 8, 8:30am - 9:30am @Stage 1

In 2019, the Android team is refining the developer journey with a set of new tools for building modern interfaces. From building a layout to debugging views at runtime, this session will take you through a variety of steps that can help increase your productivity.

Speakers: Joe Baker-Malone, Vadim Caen, Jerome Gaillard, Ashley Rose

Android Studioの最新情報。直接的なデザインのセッションではないですが、UIデザインツールの最新情報なので聞いておいて損はなし。

Material Themingについてあまり詳しくない人は同時刻に開催される次のセッションの方に参加しましょう。

4. Material Theming: Build Expressively with Material Components
Wed. May 8, 8:30am - 9:30am @Stage 7

Discover how Google made Material Design more expressive and how teams can customize Material’s style to better reflect their product’s brand. In this talk, learn how you can build your own Material Theme using Material Components.

Speakers: Michelle Alvarez, Yasmine Evjen

Materialデザインのカスタマイズ(Material Theming)のセッション。

5. Building for iOS with Flutter
Wed. May 8, 9:30am - 10:30am @Stage 5

In this talk, you'll learn how to put Flutter's Cupertino package to work building interfaces that iOS users will enjoy, plus some techniques for keeping as much of your code multi-platform as possible. You'll also get a deep dive into how to access iOS platform APIs like sensors and storage from within a Flutter app.

Speakers: Andrew BrogdonBrett Morgan


Designing AR Applications
Wed. May 8, 9:30am - 10:30am @Stage 6

AR is an entirely new medium with an entirely new set of design challenges and opportunities. This session will cover everything Google has learned so far about AR design and specific best practices, including volumetric interfaces, object placement, scene understanding, and designing for all users.

Speaker: Alex Faaborg


Developing the First AR Experience for Google Maps
Wed. May 8, 11:30am - 12:30pm @Stage 1

A behind the scenes look at the development process and technology powering the upcoming AR experience in Google Maps. In this session we'll cover why this is such a big technical challenge, how we're approaching the UX design process, and advice for others looking to design world scale AR experiences.

Speakers: Rachel Inman, Joanna Kim, Jeremy Pack

去年キーノートのデモでも話題になったGoogle MapsのAR経路についてのセッション。Rachel@rachel_inman)さん、どっかで見たことあると思ったらnike.comのデザインシステムを東(何処)でやってた人だw

6. Designing Human-Centered AI Products
Wed. May 8, 1:30pm - 2:30pm @Stage 1

Want to learn how Google develops human-centered AI products—and how to avoid common AI-design pitfalls? The People+AI Research (PAIR) team will share insights from the new People+AI Guidebook, which has steered design and development over the past year. Through recommendations, frameworks, and examples, you’ll learn how to assess whether a problem is a good fit for ML, collect representative training data, and help users understand how to interact with AI systems.

Speakers: Kristie Fisher, Jess Holbrook

Google AIとGoogle Designが力を入れているPAIR(People + AI Research)プロジェクトからのセッション。新しく公開するPeople+AIガイドブックの説明など。

Beyond Mobile: Building Flutter Apps for iOS, Android, Chrome OS, and Web
Wed. May 8, 2:30pm - 3:30pm @Stage 1

Flutter is a great way to build mobile apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase. But did you know that Flutter is expanding beyond mobile to run on desktop and the web, too? In this talk, you'll see two developers live code a real-world app that runs on all of these platforms that highlights Flutter's latest features. You'll see two developers live code a real-world app that runs on all of these platforms and highlights Flutter's latest features.

Speakers: Emily Fortuna, Emily Shack


7. How Material Design Can Be Adopted and Measured for Product Success
Wed. May 8, 3:30pm - 4:30pm @Stage 7

Why use a design system? In this talk, explore how design systems and tools add value to teams and get a toolkit for setting up your teams to create, identify, and measure that value. With examples from Material Design, you’ll learn actionable tactics for implementing and understanding your design system’s success.

Speakers: Michael Gilbert, Clara Kliman-Silver, Alisa Weinstein


8. Voice and Visual: How to Build Actions for Smart Displays and More Devices
Wed. May 8, 4:30pm - 5:30pm @Stage 8

How should your Action perform across different device types like mobile, Smart Displays, or speakers? How do you even get started with voice design? In this talk, we’ll walk you through design and developer considerations for building multimodal experiences across Google Assistant-enabled devices. Leave with optimization best practices critical to building a seamless and well-designed experience across devices.

Speakers: Mandy Chan, Darla Sharp

VUI関連セッションその2。実は、初日にVoice体験のプロトタイピングとしてのデザインスプリント(ConvoSprint)のセッション、二日目にはこのHow-to。そして今回、三日目にもVUIのデザインセッション、Let's Talkがあります。

2019/05/08 - Day 3

What's New in the Android OS User Interface
Thu. May 9, 9:30am - 10:30am @Stage 3

You’ve built a great app, and your users love opening it every day, but what if you could also help users when they’re not in your app? This year, Android is introducing new APIs to help you do this. For instance, Sharing Shortcuts provides new ways to share directly to your app’s contacts. This session will feature a technical deep-dive on getting started using these, and other, new APIs.

Spealers: Mike Digman, Mady Mellor, Abodunrinwa Toki, Artur Tsurkan

Designセッションではなく、Android/Playのセッションですが、Android Sytem UIチームによるセッション。エンジニアリングよりだと思いますが、Android Qから追加された新しいAPIで実現できる新しいUI機能話な感じなのでUIデザイナーは要チェック?

9. How to Design a Dark Theme Using Material
Thu. May 9, 10:30am - 11:30am @未定

Learn best practices for creating a dark theme based on an existing material app.

Speaker: Javier Lopez


10. ML Kit x Material Design: Design Patterns for Mobile Machine Learning
Thu. May 9, 12:30pm - 1:30pm @Stage 7

Learn how to design user experiences for machine learning features in mobile apps using ML Kit and Material Design. This session will showcase design patterns for specific ML Kit API’s along with general considerations when designing for ML.  

Speakers: Philippe Cao, Kunal Patel

Material DesignチームのVisual DesignerのPhillppe、Interaction DesignerのKunalによるML KitとMaterialデザインシステム、ML向けのデザインパターンについてのセッション。※ 当初はMaterial DesignチームのCreative DirectorのRachel Beenさんが話す予定だったようですが、2019/04/06に登壇者名から削除されました。

11. Let’s Talk: Designing Quality Conversations for the Google Assistant
Thu. May 9, 2:30pm - 3:30pm @Stage 8

Heard about conversation design, but not sure how to apply it to your Action? A conversation designer and a developer will walk you through setting user expectations, handling unexpected user responses, and making improvements with user insights. Keep your Google Assistant users happy and coming back for more with these practical insights.

Speakers: Jessica Earley-Cha, Cathy Pearl




雑感1: Keynote特別セッションはなし?

去年のI/Oではジョン前田@johnmaeda)と 映画『ブラックパンサー』のプロダクション・デザイナー Hannah Beachler@chinchilla1970)を招いてのインスピレーションセッション(keynoteセッション)とかも行われました。Hannahさんの前情報もあったせいか、セッション会場は大賑わいでしたが、現地で参加していた限り、正直、会場の雰囲気的に「ジョン・マエダ、誰?」って感じでした(ここらへんは現地にいないとわからない空気感:汗)。個人的にインクルーシブデザインとかアフロフューチャリズムとかの熱い議論を期待したたんですが、お決まりのDesign In Tech Reportの紹介に大半の時間を使ってしまって、後半のディスカッションは中途半場でもったいなかったなぁ、といった印象。今のところ今年は同じような特別なセッションは発表されていません(これから発表される可能性は有り)

雑感2: 今年もデザインスプリントのセッションあり


とはいえ、一昨年から秋にGoogle Design主催で個別に開催しているThe Sprint Conferenceや、今年から始まったGoogle Design Sprint Conference (Unconference: Sprint In. Sprint Out.)Design Sprint 4 Changeといったデザインスプリントだけに特化したカンファレンスに移行しつつある、というの流れかと思います。

雑感3: CxDやVUIってもう当たり前

今年もAssitant(Actions on Google)のセッションは沢山あります。去年に続いてVUI / CxD関連のセッションもあります。もうCxDとかは当たり前の考え方なのかもしれないですが(ほんと?)、ConvoSprintをちゃんと外向けに話すのは初めてなので、CxDとかVoice体験に興味のある人はぜひチェックすると良いと思います。あ、Duplexのアップデートも気になります。

ちなみに去年のABC 2018 Springで話したCxDの資料はこちらです。

雑感4: オフィスアワーやApp Reviewは…?

今の時点では情報ないですが、きっと今年もデザインテントでApp Reviewとかやると思います。きっと…。


