
自然のこと19 [ヘッドホン推奨/自然音と4K映像] 犬吠埼(千葉)の早朝/2021.12.7/大雪

Nature Good Modeは、ご自宅のTV、PC、タブレット端末などを利用して、窓から大自然を眺めているかのようにご活用いただくことで、ご自宅と大自然を繋げる事が出来ます。あなたの行ったことがある景色、まだ見ぬ景色へ思いを巡らせ、時空間を超え風景に想いを馳せるひと時の旅をどうぞお楽しみください。


▷Location ​Data:
緯度経度: 35° 42′ 24″N / 140° 52′ 5″E
カメラ角度: 120° NE
標高: 5.5m / 気温: 16.1℃ / 湿度: 70%
時空間: 2021.12.7. 05:50〜07:00 AM

The filming location was Inubosaki in Chiba Prefecture. If you go down the stairs, you can see many strata (traces of the sea floor) from 120 million years ago (early Cretaceous period) at a short distance. On this day, the wind was blowing so strongly that the camera was agitated and the viewpoint swayed slightly. If you listen to the video with headphones on, you can clearly see the three-dimensional wind pressure pushing against your ears. As the splashing waves, which were getting stronger and stronger, became so massive that they looked like living things, the sky, which had been dark and cloudy until then, began to peek through the blue sky from the center. I wondered how many times in the past 120 million years I had seen such a beautiful sky. I wondered how many times in its 120 million years of existence this beautiful sky had been seen.

▷Location Data:
Latitude and Longitude (DMS): 35° 42′ 24″N / 140° 52′ 5″E
Camera direction: 120° NE
Altitude: 5.5 m / Atmospheric temperature: 5℃ / Humidity: 70%
Spacetime: 2021.12.7. 05:50〜07:00 AM

▽ Support:

noteのサポート投げ銭大歓迎です!サポート頂いたお金は、ロケーションまでの交通費と撮影に必要な機材に使わせて頂きます!*Support will be used for equipment and travel expenses for the shoot.

■ PayPal.me
■ Amazon Gift Card: (nullgoodmode@gmail.com)

▽ Project:
■ Human Good Mode
■ Sake Good Mode

▽ Production Cooperation:

※Nature Good Modeは、HELIO COMPASS 地球暦を元に二十四節気のレコーディングを行っています。




All for the next Dimension.
