臨床で使う医療英会話④Head to toe assessment

前回は痛みのアセスメントについて説明しました。今回は全身状態を観察、アセスメントするHead to toe assessmentについてです。

臨床で使う医療英会話③痛みのアセスメント|ぱくちー (note.com)

1.Self introduction(挨拶)

Hi, my name is Pakchey. I'm your nurse today.

2.Explain why I'm here(訪室の理由)

I need to perform a head to toe assessment to check your condition.

It will take about 15 minutes. Do you need to go to a bathroom?

And also, the information which I'm going to collect from you will be shared only medical staff. 

3.ID band(患者認証バンド)

Could you show me your ID band and tell me your full name?

How would you like me to adress you?

What is your date of birth?


この記事のみ ¥ 500
