天 (日本語 / ENG)






対照的に、ここから海を隔てた2カ国は、自分たちの市民をだまして真実を隠すこと、特にいわゆる「事件」の真実を隠すことで富を手にしています。 (つまり、「大虐殺」のことです)


重要なのは、このような施策は、そこに住む人々を対象としたものではない、ということです。注意を払わなければなりません。僕としては、むしろ彼らを助けたいと思っています。しかし、もし彼らがGreat Firewallの犠牲者であるならば、自己検閲、あるいはもっとタチの悪い、 「強化された記憶喪失」に陥ってしまっているのかもしれませんね。


Happy May 35th. (One week belated)
30 years on. Even though it happened before I was born, it resonates with me somehow. When did I first hear about it? Perhaps my dad told me when I was young. He has always been good about explaining the real state of the world without sugar coating it, and as such, I grew up with an understanding that atrocities frequently occur and that war is, at the very least, commonplace. Thanks Dad for giving me a realistic perspective. 

I feel lucky, but at the same time, it's lonely. I fear that ignorance or "amnesia" of the past may have taken hold of the world. Today, I wanted to confirm the Chinese characters, so I went to wikipedia. That's when I noticed that the "massacre" had been changed to "protests".

I was born in a country who justifies its debatable conflicts with patriotism and I live in a country that is haunted by the memories of past aggression. I feel the guilt and shame of indirectly benefiting from terrible acts, but, in return, I will do my best to remember the dark histories of my previous and current homes. It is fortunate that I could experience the freedom to learn and understand what mistakes have been made. In contrast, two countries just across the sea from here, thrive on deceiving their own citizens and hiding the truth, especially that of so called "incidents". (i.e massacres). North Korea is always in the news, and even though their regime has been brutal, it only has legitimacy because of its neighbor. And this neighbor is a monster on a whole different scale. It has infiltrated the international community through business, manufacturing, technology, infrastructure, science, politics, etc. 

It is important to note that this is not in reference to the people living there. On the contrary, I want to help them. But, if they are victims of the Great Firewall and have fallen to self censorship, or worse, "reenforced amnesia", what can we do? 

It's been 30 years.
I know I won't ever forget. 
