
sukekiyo TOUR 2019 「FORTY」 @中野サンプラザ (バイリンガルライブレビュー / Bilingual Review)


セットリスト / Setlist 

1. 偶像モラトリアム
2. 猥雑
3. 沙羅螺
4. アナタヨリウエ
5. 純朴、無垢であろうが
6. kisses
7. elisabeth addict
8. aftermath
9. 白濁
10. dorothy
11. 君は剥き出し
12. 本能お断り
13. 濡羽色
14. anima
15. ただ、まだ、私。
16. 憂染
17. 漂白フレーバー

日本語 / ENG

やっと。僕は2013年の初めからsukekiyoのファンであったのに、今回のライブが僕にとっての初めてでした。なぜ今まで行かなかったかという理由。たぶん、僕がDir en greyのライブで京さんを見ることだけで十分であると、思い込んでいたのかもしれません。しかしライブに行った今となっては、これが全く事実でないということが明白になりました。sukekyoの京さんと、伴奏の音楽家(匠、utA、YUCHI、未架)が生み出した雰囲気は全くユニークで、過小評価には値しません。sukekiyoはある意味ではDir en greyの拡張であるかもしれませんが、同時にDir en greyの拡張ではありません。類似点はあるのですが、京さんは、Dir en greyの成功と名声によって覆い隠されることのない、完全に独立した音と雰囲気を持つ音楽的存在感を確率することができました。

Finally. It's a little embarrassing that I have been a sukekiyo fan since the very beginning in 2013, but this was my first time to see them live. Maybe I was under the impression that seeing Kyo at Dir en grey concerts was enough, but I now realize that this is not the case at all. Kyo with sukekiyo, and the atmosphere created by the accompanying musicians (Takumi, utA, YUCHI, and Mika) is totally unique and not to be underestimated. sukekiyo is in some ways, but at the same time by no means, an extension of Dir en grey. And while there are similarities, Kyo has been able to create a musical entity with an entirely independent sound and atmosphere that is not overshadowed by Dir en grey's success and fame. 


On the day of the concert, I arrived at Nakano Sun Plaza a little early to make sure I could buy a band Tshirt. Unfortunately, I just missed the last XL being sold. I know it has become popular for girls to wear oversized T-shirts recently, but some of us need that size! I'm 187 cm tall, and the L that I bought is barely long enough. I'm sure there are others who understand my pain, but what can we do. Those XL's look much better on them. Considering these challenges, I guess it's a miracle I have been able to collect so many band T-shirts.

結論、中野サンプラザホールは素晴らしいです! 2024年に建物全体がなくなってしまうのが、本当に残念です。

After being lined up outside the venue, we were allowed to go on through to the hall. My ticket was for a seat on the second floor balcony. Immediately, I was impressed. The interior is gorgeous, especially in contrast to other halls and live houses I have been to. In addition to the appearance, I was completely not let down by the beautiful sounds that echoed across its acoustics. All in all, Nakano Sun Plaza Hall is terrific! It's really unfortunate that the whole building will be demolished in 2024. 

あとでわかったのですが、そのテーブルは2人の俳優がステージの前後やライブの途中、ビデオで演じる「HORROR PORNO」行為で使われた小道具でした。この作品は、sukekiyoとDRESSEDUNDRESSEDのコラボレーション。俳優の顔は、ある種のガーゼやメッシュで包まれていたので、見えませんでした。やがて彼らは服を脱ぎ、示唆的にお互いを愛撫し始めました。最後に、京さんはテーブルの上の3つの大きなワイングラスから、彼らに血を注ぎました。控えめに言ってもそれは際どくて、神秘的、不安、そして挑発的な演奏でした。

But before even considering what the sound quality would be like, I was drawn to the table conspicuously placed in front of the curtain. Even now, after I have had time to reflect, I am still not sure as to the meaning behind it. Of course it was a prop used in the "HORROR PORNO" act that two actors performed before and after on stage and by video half-way through the concert. This production was a collaboration between sukekiyo and DRESSEDUNDRESSED. The actors's faces were wrapped in some sort of gauze or mesh so we couldn't see them. Eventually they undressed and began caressing each other suggestively. At the end, Kyo poured blood all over them from three large glasses on the table. It was risqué, mysterious, disturbing, and thought provoking, to say the least.

2人の俳優が舞台裏に戻りテーブルが取り除かれた後、カーテンが上がり、半透明のスクリーンの後ろにてすぐにバンドによる演奏が始まりました。最初、僕は気付かなかった。なぜなら、京さんの顔は浮遊している頭、すなわちWizard of Ozとして画面に現れたからでした。それから、本物の京さんが舞台の真ん中、コンソールに向かって歌っていたことにやっと気づきました。自分のボックスから観客を攻撃しているかのように京さんを見ることに慣れていたので、この従来のスタイルからの脱却は非常に大きな出発点でした。ライブ中パフォーマンスの気を散らさないよう、また強調するためにスクリーンを使用していましたが、実際はそれら全てをより面白いものにしていました。これを準備するのに、どれだけの労力を要したかは想像できません。あまり多くのものが画面上に映らなかったときには、各メンバーの演奏機器を見ることができました。京さんはテルミンと同様に、前述の操作コンソール、あるいはシークエンサーを持っていました。 uTAさんにはヴァイオリア、YUCHIさんにはベースサンプラー、未架さんはドラムキット。 匠さんは、彼のギター、シンセサイザー、および標準的な機能を備えたピアノでした。なんて複雑で詳細なセットアップなのでしょう。

After the two actors returned backstage and the table was taken away, the curtain lifted and the band immediately began performing behind a semi-transparent screen. At first I didn't notice them because Kyo's face appeared on the screen as a floating head, à la Wizard of Oz. Then, I realized that the real Kyo was singing into some console setup towards the middle of the stage with his back turned to us. This was already such a huge departure from the style I'm used to seeing where Kyo almost seems to be attacking the audience from his box. Throughout the live, they used the screen in order to enhance the performance in a way that didn't distract, but actually made it all the more interesting. I can't imagine how much work it took to prepare this.  During times in the show where there weren't too many things appearing on the screen, I could see each member's equipment. Kyo had the aforementioned operation console or sequencer, as well as a theremin. uTA had a violyre, YUCHI had a bass sampler, and Mika had his drum kit. Takumi seemed to have the most with his guitar, synthesizer, and standard piano. What a complicated and detailed setup!!!


The first song, which featured Kyo's floating head, was 「偶像モラトリアム」. It was spooky, but so cool for an intro. But when 「猥雑」 began, tension built. Although the crowd wasn't moving because we were required to sit, I could feel the energy from everyone. Even the band seemed to get pumped. In a rare moment of Kyo interacting with a bandmate on stage, he danced with YUCHI during his bass solo.

大体アルバムと同じ曲順だったのですが、「偶像モトラリアム」と「猥雑」は本当に強い印象を残しました。 しかし、本当に僕に鳥肌を与えた曲は「elisabeth addict」でした! 恥ずべきことに、僕はライブの翌週までAnima EPを購入していなかったので、オリジナルのIMMORTALISバージョンにしか慣れていませんでした。 京さんが本当に高いファルセットで歌い始めたとき、僕はショックを受けました! 京さんの声は確かにいつも素晴らしいのですが、実際は僕が期待していたものを遥かに超えていたのです。 普通は、年をとるにつれて能力を失っていきますが、京さんのスキルは年齢と共に高めてゆくことに成功しているようです。

Even though they are in the same order as they are on the album, 「偶像モラトリアム」 and 「猥雑」 really left strong impressions. But the song that really gave me goosebumps was 「elisabeth addict」! Shamefully, I hadn't bought the Anima EP until a week after the live and so therefore had been used to only the original IMMORTALIS version. When Kyo began to sing in a really high falsetto, I was shocked! Kyo's voice is amazing, but this went beyond what I thought he could do! Most people lose ability as they age, but Kyo has only managed to increase his skills. 

ライブ対アルバムの面では、「漂白フレーバー」は間違いなく際立っていました。アルバム版はINFINITUMへの存在感あるアウトローとしての役割を果たしますが、ライブにおいて、それは全く新しいユニークなものになりました。まず第一に、彼らはそのためのPVを持っていました。第二に、その深さと音のバランスは完全に異なっているようでした。アルバムのバージョンはもっとリラックスして静かですが、ライブは... 特別です。アルバムバージョンを2Dと呼ぶことができれば、ライブバージョンは3Dになるのではないでしょうか。

In terms of live versus the album, 「漂白フレーバー」 was definitely a stand out. The album version serves as a great outro to INFINITUM, but live, it became something totally new and unique. First of all, they have a PV for it, which they showed on the back screen. Second, the depth and sound balance of it seemed totally different. The album version is more relaxed and quiet, but live... well if we could call the album version 2D, then the live version would be 3D.


As 「漂白フレーバー」 came to an end, each musician performed their own semi-solo and then took a seat at the table, now placed back at the front of the stage. After the blood was poured, the curtain closed. I sat in awe for a few moments before joining everyone in applause. It was such a professionally put together piece of art, both visually and musically. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. As I contemplated it, I felt that, in some way, I came to understand myself better. I definitely can't live a life without art, and the art I enjoy is ...deep. In the past, I have let other interfere with me chasing the rabbit down the hole as far as I'd like. Now, I'm ready to dive in! Thank you Kyo for always serving as a role model and for living by your passions. sukekiyo has a special place in my heart now. 

気に入り曲 / Favorite songs:

elisabeth addict

リンク / Links:

sukekiyo: https://sukekiyo-official.jp
DRESSEDUNDERESSED: https://zozo.jp/brand/dressedundressed/
