



















ザピオンから近代オリンピック競技場方向のバシロス・コンスタンティノス通り方向へ進んでいくと、大きな公園があります。最近修復工事が終えられ、子供が夢中で遊びたくなる遊具がたくさんあります。大きな背の高い木が影を作ってくれ、真夏でも比較的涼しい公園となります。子供が小さい頃は、毎日この公園に通っていました。芝生にシートをひいてママ友とピクニックをしたことが懐かしく思われます。旅行は何かと忙しかったり、慌しかったりするものですが、アテネではすこしゆっくりザピオンやその周辺をぶらっとペリパトス(散歩)するのもいいものです。(Written by Yuki)

Athens, Zappeion, nature, history, statues, a relaxing place

The area around Zappeion which is adjacent to the National Garden of Athens is a beautiful place of relaxation for the local people in Athens. Local people enjoy walking and jogging and they have their children play on bicycles and scooters. Today I would like to introduce my favorite spots in this area.

The Zappeion building was built for the modern Olympic Games in 1986, and was used the venue for fencing. The Athens Olympics game in 1906 was also held irregularly between the one in United States of 1904 and the one in London of 1908. Baron de Coubertin, who is an advocate of the modern Olympics, thought that the Olympics should be held in all over the world. However, King George I of Greece believed that the Olympics should be held permanently in Greece. Therefore, the mid-term tournament will be held in Athens. Zappeion was used as Olympic Village due to lack of facilities then. After that the political situation in Greece became unstable, and the assassination of George I of Greece caused to terminate the plan and the Athens Olympic of 1906 was deleted from official records. If the idea of hosting the Olympics in Athens had been accepted, I wonder what would happen to this country.
This magnificent building was built by famous Danish architect Hansen who made the Neoclassical trilogy as well. (theUniversity of Athens, the Academy, the National Library)

The view of Zappeion from the large square with the marble fountain is also wonderful.
Athens is a cosmopolitan city. There are many foreigners from various countries, including myself, living in this city. The atmosphere of the city also varies from district to district. This also the reason to make Athens so interesting. However this area around Zappeion has a completely European atmosphere which differs from any other areas in the city.

Proceeding towards Amalia Street, there are promenades with Jacaranda trees on both sides. It is such a stunning landscape when the flowers are fully blooming in late May. There are benches on both sides to make it a good place to read and chat with your friends. Even on hot summer days, it is a relatively cool place because of the branches and leaves of Jacaranda blocking the sun's rays. Behind the promenade there is a marble statue of a naked boy holding a bundle of rye. The cute boy wearing a hat with a ribbon matches the calm atmosphere of this promenade.

There is a small pond, which is home to turtles. When my kids were small, we used to come here and gaze at the turtles to guess the turtle's family structure. This is a gathering spot of small children looking at the turtles. There is also a boy’s marble statue depicting that the boy pulls out a fish hook out of the mouth of fish. This sculpture was made by Dimitris Filippotis who made the boy holding a bunch of rye.

Another sculpture that enhances the artistic value of this area is the angel one. Angel is Angelos in Greek. When I first saw it, I thought it was Niki, the goddess of victory in Greek mythology. It is also interesting that there are similarities between Greek mythology and the bible. I wonder if the angel in the bible originated from the Greek goddess Niki.
Beside this angel sculpture, there is a marble chair that seems to have been used in ancient times.
Proceeding to Bassilias Sofia Street, where you can see the mosaic floor of the Roman villa up close. I would like to say that the origin of the mosaic is Greece, but it is not true. It started from the Middle East. The purpose of making the mosaic was to be durable in the beginning. However, especially in Greece, mosaics were made in Ancient Greece and Roman period as well and developed and bloomed as art during the Byzantine era.

Looking towards Bassilias Sofia Street from this mosaic area, you can see the back side of the sculpture of Byron, the hero of the Greek revolution and the English poet.
Heading for Basilis Constantinos Street towards the modern Olympic stadium and you will find a big park. Restoration work has recently been completed and there are many playsets fascinating the children. Large tall trees make shadows and it is relatively cool even in the summer time. I used to come to this park every day when my children were small and it was a good memory that we had a picnic with other family friends.
Traveling from place to place can be hectic but it is a good idea to take your time walking around this area discovering something interesting when you visit in Athens. Let’s do Peripatos!!!
