
「Trade Mindfully」を読む(4)第3章

Chapter 3
The Struggle to Control and Eliminate Emotions

When the effort to improve the technicals is undertaken in the service of coping with emotions, however, the trader is likely to run into trouble. Often, our first response to an uncertain situation that produces anxiety is to look for more and better information. This seems reasonable. Additional data that informs us about the next market move can give us a clearer picture of the future. If some information is helpful, then more must be even more helpful. The trader who finds additional information to support their hypothesis about the market's next move will feel better about making the trade. It may seem subtle, but the trader is seeking more information to address feelings. It is not done to qualify the trade, per se, but to reduce uncomfortable emotions. This is a very important distinction.

More and seemingly better information will not solve the problem of emotions.

Additional information added to address emotions will do little to affect that technical edge. The trade setup's edge is due to its statistical performance; it has nothing to do with your feelings. Changing indicators or adding information to make you feel better will not improve the setup's outcomes.

Because they are focused on the technicals, however, they don't even realize it! More importantly, they are doing nothing to address their difficulties with strong emotions. All their effort misses the mark.

Adding extra information to make a decision on a trade can easily cause traders to commit confirmation bias.

Developing systems with large amounts of data and multiple indicators set to confirm one another can lead to “analysis paralysis.”
データの量を増やし、インジケーターの数を増やせば、"分析まひ "を引き起こすおそれがある。

analysis paralysis 分析まひ

Improving the technicals, adding copious amounts of information, and designing complex systems can all be a part of the grail quest. The Holy Grail simply doesn’t exist. What urges us on in this regard is our internal state. We seek to relieve the feeling of unease when dealing in an arena whose foundation is risk and uncertainty.

Traders must accept the facts: we are operating with incomplete and uncertain data and every trade has a definite probability of loss. This means we must learn to be open to and accept the feelings that are associated with uncertainty and risk.

The fundamental nature of trading the markets is risk and uncertainty. If we struggle with the thoughts and feelings that reflect the nature of trading, not only are we in conflict with the very nature of trading, but we also misdirect our attention away from the trading process and the tasks of trading.


損失回避 Loss Aversion

We must learn to accept the thoughts and feelings that go with loss and not try to eliminate them.

The observation of cutting winning trades short and letting losers run is legendary in behavioral finance circles. It is so familiar that it has its own expression: the disposition effect. Terrance Odean, professor at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, was the first to present empirical evidence for this trading behavior.

投資家が損切りできない理由 「ディスポジション効果」

You will find it useful to check in with what your mind is telling you about your losing trade. Is it saying that you can’t have a loss? Perhaps your mind is telling you that by giving your trade “a little extra room” you can avoid stopping out and taking a loss and, instead, sell out on the next rally? As with most psychological issues in trading, we find that we are taking actions not because the action is in the best interest of the trade, but to assuage our uncomfortable feelings.

The same is true for cutting winning trades prematurely. Is your mind telling you that a little profit is better than no profit? Is it urging you to bank the profit, however small, because holding the trade could result in a loss? Again, we see that trading actions are based on psychological considerations, not what's best for the trade. If you find that your winning trades would have been more profitable had you held them longer and the reason you didn't was due to the psychological discomfort you felt in holding the trade open, you know you are a victim of loss aversion and are likely ensnared in the disposition effect.

感情のコントロール Psychological Control

Traders try a wide range of things to attempt to control strong emotions and thoughts. The belief is that unwanted thoughts and emotions and the discomfort that is associated with them negatively affect their trading performance. Thus, many traders work very hard at controlling their thoughts and feelings, thinking that restraining them is the only way they can reach the level of trading they desire.

By control, I mean taking steps to eliminate, suppress, restrain, escape from, or get rid of unwanted thoughts and emotions. Interestingly, traders often set up a rule for themselves that goes something like this: “First, I must learn to get rid of my fear (or unwanted thoughts or other strong emotion). Once I accomplish this, then I will be able to trade well.” As we will see, nothing could be further from the truth.

Harvard professor of psychology and researcher of mental control, Daniel Wegner, has studied the idea of controlling and suppressing thoughts for nearly three decades.

His research has shown that attempts to mentally control thoughts can produce a variety of undesired consequences. When people try not to think about a thought (such as, “I don't want to have another losing trade”) there is a strong tendency for that and similar thoughts to come to mind easily. This is especially true when they attempt to control their mental state under conditions of stress, which trading readily provides.

While attempting to suppress the unwanted thought, our mind automatically searches for the unwanted thought and reminds us of exactly what it is we are trying to forget! The act of restraining creates searching and checking, which increases the mind's sensitivity to the very thought being suppressed.

映画『ハドソン川の奇跡』(原題: Sully)

“The physiological reaction I had to this was strong, and I had to force myself to use my training and force calm on the situation.”

Although he had strong feelings, had he fought those feelings and tried to eliminate them, it would have distracted him from the task at hand, which was landing that aircraft. Instead of fighting “bush,” he turned his attention to those things he needed to do to land the aircraft safely while having the strong physiological reaction.

Captain Sullenberger's attention was centered on the high-value actions that would land his aircraft, not his emotional response to a terrifying situation.

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