
英検(R)1級オリジナル模試 語彙問題 【句動詞ガチ予想編】

(最後のact outを除いて)いずれも過去2回以上の出題歴がある超重要句動詞です。







To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among the four choices. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

(1) When asked about his involvement in the scandal, he chose to ( ) and avoided answering any questions.
1 clam up
2 lash out
3 pine for
4 boil down to

(2) As the argument intensified, Sarah couldn't help but ( ) at her friend, expressing her frustration.
1 chime in
2 flare up
3 gloss over
4 lash out

(3) Even though they had their differences, she constantly ( ) the one mistake he made years ago.
1 harp on
2 pan out
3 peter out
4 stake out

(4) The final price of the product ( ) an additional shipping fee, making it more expensive than expected.
1 tacked on
2 beefed up
3 blurted out
4 bowed out

(5) As the event got closer, the team decided to ( ) their preparations to ensure everything went smoothly.
1 buckle down
2 cast off
3 drown out
4 ease off

(6) The noise from the construction site would often ( ) their conversations, so they had to raise their voices.
1 eke out
2 fend for
3 fizzle out
4 drown out

(7) The success of their project would ( ) the support from the upper management, making it crucial for them to get the approval.
1 hem in
2 hinge on
3 hole up
4 iron out

(8) When faced with adversity, he chose to ( ) his challenges and find solutions rather than avoid them.
1 knuckle down
2 lap up
3 leaf through
4 mull over

(9) After studying for hours, she began to ( ) in her chair, struggling to stay awake.
1 nod off
2 own up
3 palm off
4 polish off

(10) After writing the essay, she took the time to ( ) her work, making sure there were no errors.
1 pore over
2 rattle off
3 rein in
4 scoot over

(11) I couldn't believe I had to ( ) so much money for that small repair. It was way more expensive than I anticipated.
1 shell out
2 smooth over
3 spout off
4 tear into

(12) He was quick to ( ) his opinions, even when no one asked, making some of the discussions quite heated.
1 tip off
2 trip up
3 trump up
4 spout off

(13) When the machinery began to ( ), it disrupted the entire workshop, causing delays.
1 act up
2 bail out
3 bank on
4 barge through

(14) The singer confidently stepped onto the stage and began to ( ) the song with great energy.
1 bear down on
2 belt out
3 blot out
4 blow away

(15) Due to numerous tasks, she felt ( ) by the end of the day, having no energy left to do anything else.
1 bogged down
2 boiled over
3 bottled up
4 burned out

(16) The ceiling was weak and, after some time, it began to ( ) under the pressure of the heavy rain.
1 breeze in
2 bunch up
3 butter up
4 cave in

(17) After realizing his mistake, he ( ) an apology to everyone involved, trying to make amends.
1 dished out
2 done up
3 doled out
4 chewed out

(18) As the holidays approached, she ( ) her home with lights and decorations, making it look festive.
1 dawned on
2 decked out
3 drifted off
4 drummed up

(19) When the team faces challenges, it's crucial not to ( ) the negatives but find solutions and move forward.
1 dwell on
2 egg on
3 chip away at
4 choke up

(20) To ensure the success of the event, they tried to ( ) support from local businesses and the community.
1 clog up
2 crack down
3 crank out
4 drum up

(21) The detectives spread out to ( ) the area, each covering different parts of the forest based on rumors of a hidden treasure.
1 float around
2 fan out
3 louse up
4 foul up

(22) Every month, John intended to save money. However, he had a tendency to ( ) his earnings on items he didn't really need.
1 goof off
2 fritter away
3 roll back
4 gloat over

(23) With the storm warnings blaring, the Jackson family quickly decided to ( ) in their home's safest area.
1 hunker down
2 jot down
3 simmer down
4 keel over

(24) The blunder he made at the company event wasn't easy to forget. He found it challenging to ( ) the embarrassment.
1 patch up
2 mete out
3 live down
4 load up on

(25) Before starting her day, she'd always take a moment to ( ) her tasks, making sure she had clarity on her priorities.
1 muddle through
2 nose around
3 pick off
4 nail down

(26) During their digital competition, the team's sniper was adept at quickly managing to ( ) rivals from his concealed spot.
1 poke around
2 reel in
3 piece together
4 pick up on

(27) As the deadline approached, the team realized they had to ( ) their efforts to ensure the project was completed on time.
1 rail against
2 ramp up
3 put in for
4 rope in

(28) After quickly ( ) his desk drawers, Mark finally found the document he had been searching for.
1 reel in
2 rifle through
3 roll back
4 side with

(29) City life was expensive, and to manage her finances, Linda learned to ( ) her funds while still enjoying little pleasures.
1 scrape by
2 sift through
3 skirt around
4 snap out of

(30) After the heated argument, it took a while for both parties to ( ) and return to a rational conversation.
1 sound out
2 snuff out
3 go through with
4 simmer down

(31) After spending so much time with her artistic friend, Clara noticed that some creative habits began to ( ) her, and she started exploring painting.
1 rub off on
2 stumble on
3 swear by
4 act out


(1) When asked about his involvement in the scandal, he chose to clam up and avoided answering any questions.
和訳: 彼がスキャンダルへの関与について尋ねられたとき、彼は口を閉ざして、質問に答えるのを避けました。
正解: 1 clam up (口を閉ざす)
2 lash out (攻撃する)
3 pine for (あこがれる)
4 boil down to (結局~になる)

(2) As the argument intensified, Sarah couldn't help but lash out at her friend, expressing her frustration.
和訳: 議論が激化すると、Sarahは彼女の友達に感情をぶつけることができず、自分のフラストレーションを表現しました。
正解: 4 lash out (感情をぶつける)
1 chime in (割り込む)
2 flare up (急に激しくなる)
3 gloss over (うわべだけ取り繕う)

(3) Even though they had their differences, she constantly harped on the one mistake he made years ago.
和訳: 彼らには違いがあったにもかかわらず、彼女は彼が何年も前に犯した一つのミスについて常に言い続けました。
正解: 1 harp on (くどくどと言う)
2 pan out (うまくいく)
3 peter out (徐々に弱まる)
4 stake out (張り込む)

(4) The final price of the product tacked on an additional shipping fee, making it more expensive than expected.
和訳: 製品の最終価格には追加の送料が加算され、予想よりも高価になりました。
正解: 1 tack on (追加する)
2 beef up (強化する)
3 blurt out (うっかり言う)
4 bow out (退く)

(5) As the event got closer, the team decided to buckle down to their preparations to ensure everything went smoothly.
和訳: イベントが近づくにつれて、チームはすべてがスムーズに進行するように、準備に本腰を入れることにしました。
正解: 1 buckle down (本気で取り組む)
2 cast off (放棄する)
3 drown out (音をかき消す)
4 ease off (ゆるめる)

(6) The noise from the construction site would often drown out their conversations, so they had to raise their voices.
和訳: 建設現場からの騒音で彼らの会話がよくかき消されたので、声を大にして話す必要がありました。
正解: 4 drown out (音をかき消す)
1 eke out (やっとのことで生計を立てる)
2 fend for (自分で面倒を見る)
3 fizzle out (失敗に終わる)

(7) The success of their project would hinge on the support from the upper management, making it crucial for them to get the approval.
和訳: 彼らのプロジェクトの成功は上層部のサポートにかかっており、承認を得ることが彼らにとって非常に重要でした。
正解: 2 hinge on (~にかかっている)
1 hem in (囲む)
3 hole up (隠れる)
4 iron out (解決する)

(8) When faced with adversity, he chose to knuckle down to his challenges and find solutions rather than avoid them.
和訳: 逆境に直面したとき、彼はそれを避けるのではなく、課題に真剣に取り組み、解決策を見つけることを選びました。
正解: 1 knuckle down (真剣に取り組む)
2 lap up (喜んで受け入れる)
3 leaf through (ざっとめくる)
4 mull over (よく考える)

(9) After studying for hours, she began to nod off in her chair, struggling to stay awake.
和訳: 数時間勉強した後、彼女は椅子の中でうとうとし始め、目を覚ましているのが難しくなりました。
正解: 1 nod off (うとうとする)
2 own up (認める)
3 palm off (押し付ける)
4 polish off (完了させる)

(10) After writing the essay, she took the time to pore over her work, making sure there were no errors.
和訳: エッセイを書いた後、彼女は彼女の作品をじっくりと読み返す時間を取り、間違いがないか確認しました。
正解: 1 pore over (じっくりと読む)
2 rattle off (すらすらと言う)
3 rein in (制御する)
4 scoot over (移動する)

(11) I couldn't believe I had to shell out so much money for that small repair. It was way more expensive than I anticipated.
和訳: その小さな修理のためにそんなに多くのお金を払わなければならないとは信じられませんでした。それは私が予想したよりもはるかに高価でした。
正解: 1 shell out (大金を支払う)
2 smooth over (なだめる)
3 spout off (大声で言う)
4 tear into (激しく非難する)

(12) He was quick to spout off his opinions, even when no one asked, making some of the discussions quite heated.
和訳: 誰も尋ねていなくても、彼は自分の意見をすぐに大声で言いました、それが議論をかなり激しいものにしました。
正解: 4 spout off (大声で言う)
1 tip off (内密に教える)
2 trip up (つまずかせる)
3 trump up (でっち上げる)

(13) When the machinery began to act up, it disrupted the entire workshop, causing delays.
和訳: 機械が調子を崩し始めると、ワークショップ全体が混乱し、遅延が起きました。
正解: 1 act up (調子を崩す)
2 bail out (救済する)
3 bank on (頼りにする)
4 barge through (突進する)

(14) The singer confidently stepped onto the stage and began to belt out the song with great energy.
和訳: 歌手は自信を持ってステージに登り、大きなエネルギーで歌を力強く歌い始めました。
正解: 2 belt out (力強く歌う)
1 bear down on (圧迫する)
3 blot out (隠す)
4 blow away (驚かせる)

(15) Due to numerous tasks, she felt burned out by the end of the day, having no energy left to do anything else.
和訳: 多くのタスクのため、彼女は一日の終わりに燃え尽きた感じがし、他のことをするためのエネルギーが残っていませんでした。
正解: 4 burn out (燃え尽きる)
1 bog down (沼地にはまる)
2 boil over (沸騰する)
3 bottle up (抑え込む)

(16) The ceiling was weak and, after some time, it began to cave in under the pressure of the heavy rain.
和訳: 天井は弱く、しばらくすると、激しい雨の圧力の下で崩れ始めました。
正解: 4 cave in (崩れる)
1 breeze in (さっと入ってくる)
2 bunch up (束ねる)
3 butter up (おべんちゃらを言う)

(17) After realizing his mistake, he doled out an apology to everyone involved, trying to make amends.
和訳: 彼が自分のミスに気づいた後、関わった全員に謝罪を配布し、償うことを試みました。
正解: 3 dole out (配る)
1 dish out (分け与える)
2 do up (修理する)
4 chew out (しかる)

(18) As the holidays approached, she decked out her home with lights and decorations, making it look festive.
和訳: 休日が近づくにつれて、彼女は家をライトや飾りで飾り付けし、祭りのような雰囲気にしました。
正解: 2 deck out (飾り付ける)
1 dawn on (理解する)
3 drift off (眠り込む)
4 drum up (支援を求める)

(19) When the team faces challenges, it's crucial not to dwell on the negatives but find solutions and move forward.
和訳: チームが課題に直面するとき、マイナスの点にとらわれずに解決策を見つけて前進することが重要です。
正解: 1 dwell on (くどくどと考える)
2 egg on (励ます)
3 chip away at (少しずつ削る)
4 choke up (感動して言葉に詰まる)

(20) To ensure the success of the event, they tried to drum up support from local businesses and the community.
和訳: イベントの成功を確実にするため、彼らは地元の企業やコミュニティからの支援を募ることを試みました。
正解: 4 drum up (支援を求める)
1 clog up (詰まらせる)
2 crack down (取り締まる)
3 crank out (大量生産する)

(21) The detectives spread out to fan out the area, each covering different parts of the forest based on rumors of a hidden treasure.
和訳: 隠された宝物の噂に基づき、各刑事は森の異なる部分をカバーするために広がりました。
正解: 2 fan out (広がる)
1 float around (浮き回る)
3 louse up (台無しにする)
4 foul up (誤って行動する)

(22) Every month, John intended to save money. However, he had a tendency to fritter away his earnings on items he didn't really need.
和訳: ジョンは毎月お金を節約するつもりでしたが、本当に必要ではないアイテムに収入を浪費する傾向がありました。
正解: 2 fritter away (浪費する)
1 goof off (遊びで時間を浪費する)
3 roll back (減少させる)
4 gloat over (得意げにする)

(23) With the storm warnings blaring, the Jackson family quickly decided to hunker down in their home's safest area.
和訳: 嵐の警告が鳴り響く中、ジャクソン家は家の最も安全な場所に急いで身を隠すことを決意しました。
正解: 1 hunker down (身を隠す、備える)
2 jot down (メモする)
3 simmer down (冷静になる)
4 keel over (倒れる)

(24) The blunder he made at the company event wasn't easy to forget. He found it challenging to live down the embarrassment.
和訳: 彼が会社のイベントで犯した過ちは簡単には忘れられませんでした。彼はその恥を乗り越えるのが難しいと感じました。
正解: 3 live down (過去の失敗や恥を乗り越える)
1 patch up (修理する)
2 mete out (与える、分配する)
4 load up on (大量に取得する)

(25) Before starting her day, she'd always take a moment to nail down her tasks, making sure she had clarity on her priorities.
和訳: 一日を始める前に、彼女は常に優先事項が明確であることを確認するために、タスクを確認する時間を取ることがありました。
正解: 4 nail down (確定する、明確にする)
1 muddle through (何とかやっていく)
2 nose around (探し回る)
3 pick off (選び取る)

(26) During their digital competition, the team's sniper was adept at quickly managing to pick off rivals from his concealed spot.
和訳: デジタルの競技中、チームのスナイパーは隠れた場所から素早くライバルを撃つのが得意でした。
正解: 3 pick off (素早く選び取る、ことに狙撃においてターゲットを撃つ)
1 poke around (探し回る)
2 reel in (引き寄せる)
4 piece together (組み合わせる)

(27) As the deadline approached, the team realized they had to ramp up their efforts to ensure the project was completed on time.
和訳: 期限が迫る中、チームはプロジェクトを時間通りに完了させるために努力を増やさなければならないと認識しました。
正解: 2 ramp up (増加させる、強化する)
1 rail against (激しく非難する)
3 put in for (申し込む)
4 rope in (巻き込む)

(28) After quickly rifle through his desk drawers, Mark finally found the document he had been searching for.
和訳: マークはすぐに机の引き出しを急いで探し、探していた書類をついに見つけました。
正解: 2 rifle through (急いで調べる)
1 reel in (引き寄せる)
3 roll back (減少させる)
4 side with (味方する)

(29) City life was expensive, and to manage her finances, Linda learned to scrape by her funds while still enjoying little pleasures.
和訳: 都市生活は高価で、彼女の財政を管理するために、リンダは少しずつの楽しみを楽しみながらも、資金を節約する方法を学びました。
正解: 1 scrape by (かろうじてやっていく)
2 sift through (細かく調べる)
3 skirt around (避ける)
4 snap out of (立ち直る)

(30) After the heated argument, it took a while for both parties to simmer down and return to a rational conversation.
和訳: 激しい口論の後、双方が冷静になり、理性的な会話に戻るまでしばらくかかりました。
正解: 4 simmer down (冷静になる)
1 sound out (意見を聞き出す)
2 snuff out (消す)
3 go through with (計画を実行する)

(31) After spending so much time with her artistic friend, Clara noticed that some creative habits began to rub off on her, and she started exploring painting.
和訳: 芸術的な友人とたくさんの時間を過ごした後、クララは、あるクリエイティブな習慣が彼女に影響を与え始めたことに気づき、絵画を探求し始めました。
正解: 1 rub off on (影響を与える)
2 stumble on (偶然見つける)
3 swear by (信頼する)
4 act out (演じる)





