
Now I feel like comfortable.  Comparing the same time of yesterday. 

It made accelerate my own theory about happening good and bad things every other day. But I know nobody believe me. It doesn’t work sometimes. 

Even me, I can forget this rules but the majority is followed this theory each single things. 

this isn’t what I wanted write. 

Let’s back to main subject. 

Today, I try to keep distance between me and smartphone. I saved using smartphone within 6 hours. 

I didn’t success completely, but I could lose the time of wasting on smartphone. 

Without smartphone , I can thinking and concentrate what I have to do. 

Recent my behavior seemed like self neglect. It affected mental health also.

I thought I was  careless personality , but turned out it could be visible what happens around me and what I have to do. Not only this, I could take action. 

This was most important things. 
