

今から約10か月前に、渡邉康太郎さんがnoteで共有されていた『意味のイノベーション』というタイトルのTEDトーク。ここで共有されるまで出会うことのなかった『意味のイノベーション』という言葉だけれど、このTEDトークを行ったRoberto Verganti氏のプレゼンテーション力、発想力や考え方、価値観、そして言葉が、自分が日常で感じている「違和感」や「直観」、「自分が守りたい自分の感受性」「目指したい人」「イノベーションの本来の意味」を言語化してくれたような気がして、改めてここでまとめておきたいと思った。


“Meaningful Innovation in a world awash with ideas”

"We live in a world where ideas are not rare. The big ideas are actually in front of them, but ideas cannot be seen not because it is too dark but it is too much light." 

1. More creative people
2. We have better tools to be creative
3. Digital technologies (access to internet, ideas and opportunities)

”Nature of innovation is changing dramatically; in a way we are still blinded. ”
We are blinded not because it is too dark, but because it is too bright.
Unfortunately, the tools to innovation we use today, they have been created when the world is still dark. Design thinking, open innovation that has been created 15 years ago.

2 levels of innovations
1. Meaning: Purpose to achieve when you want to create innovation (the  direction why we innovate)
2. Solution: Services or products, process to achieve (how we get there)

“The more solutions we have, the more difficult to find meaning.”

“In the world with full of ideas and opportunities, innovation is not about searching solutions, innovation is about searching for (new) meaning.”

Innovation: Outside-In  (go outside and information from outsiders)
Meaning: Inside-Out (should come from ourselves)


"Meaning is a direction, so you cannot ask somebody else, the direction should come from us. In fact, if you do not believe in what you do, people do not love it."

It is similar to a mind-set you have when you are giving a present. What is a meaningful?  
Roberto Verganti氏は、上記は彼女や彼氏にプレゼントをするときの考え方と似ていると言っている。「あなたが、彼女にプレゼントを贈るときに、大事なのは『意味』を伝えること」だと。欲しいものは何でも手に入るこの世界で、あなたにとっての大事な人に、プレゼントを贈る「意味」や「理由」が何よりも大事だと。

“It is your capability to expand her possibility.”

"It comes from your understanding what could be more meaningful to people, what people could love." “Understanding what could be meaningful for people?”

Then we need a balance. I mean, if we do not love it, people will never love it, but it dose not mean if you love it people will also love it. 

”In a world with awash with ideas, we filter the ideas and information and we tend to see what we want to see. If we want to start from us, then we need to be sure that we do not see only what we want to see. We do not keep going to the same direction. We need “criticism” from others. We do not need any more ideas, we need to cure ideas.”

"Criticism does not mean negative, that means going deeper, starting to see things from different ways. "

"From our understanding of how our world are changing. From our understanding what can be more meaningful for people. It is our gift. But that just a start. We need to mix with a gift with someone else. " 

"Who is someone else? Someone who has 2 characteristics. A person who has a different gift, believing in something different but who believes in you as a person." 

"In a world awash with ideas, tools and ideas are not important, it is a matter of people. Need an inspiring partner. Inspiring partner is someone who joins you for your journey, who believes in you, but then also fights with you, challenges you. Not because they want to kill you but they want to make your gift stronger."

"In a world awash with ideas, do not search for ideas, search for people."


参考に、もうひとつイノベーションに関して「今までで見たTEDトークの中で一番良かった!」と高評価を得ているGuy Kawasaki氏のトークも共有しておく。

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