





A librarian sees that a third grade student’s checked-out book is two months overdue. Several overdue notices have already been given to the student’s teacher to give to him. Which of the following would be the best action for the librarian to take now?

❎ Give the student a “lost book” bill for the entire value of the book

❎ The next time the class comes in for its library period, call that student’s name and ask him in front of his classmates where the book is, why he has not returned it, and when he plans to do so

⭕️ Call the parents and ask them to help the student return the book

❎ Inform the principal that disciplinary action is called for because the student has ignored the overdue notices


A librarian wants to have a fund-raising book fair. Which of the following should be her first course of action?

❎ Announce the book fair in the school newsletter

❎ Survey teachers for the types of books they would like to see at the book fair

⭕️ Check with the principal to be sure of the school calendar and any school or district guidelines for fundraising activities

❎ Ask students what kind of books they would like to buy at a book fair


A new librarian discovers that her predecessor shelved all the “easy-to-read” books for younger children on the lowest shelves near the floor. What should she do about this, if anything?

❎ Provide comfortable pillows on the floor for students to sit or kneel on as they search for books

❎ Remind primary students where these books are located so that they can easily access them

❎ Inventory these books to determine if they are age-appropriate

⭕️ Move the collection to higher shelves


Which of the following is NOT a professional association for librarians?

⭕️ American Union of Library Employees

❎ International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

❎ American Library Association

❎ American Association of School Librarians


Which of the following criteria should be used when “weeding” books from a library’s collection?

❎ Students do not check out the book very often

❎ Parent organizations have requested that the book be removed

❎ The book contains subject matter that is controversial

⭕️ The book contains material that is outdated or inaccurate


A new librarian in an elementary school wants to move the library schedule from fixed to flexible. How should she go about doing this in order to obtain the greatest cooperation from staff members?

❎ Begin with a mixed schedule, where some classes, such as kindergartners, come for their weekly “story time,” while classes from higher grades visit the library as needed

❎ Discuss with the principal the educational advantages and also the financial aspects of a flexible schedule. Flexible scheduling may require the hiring of a library assistant, for example. Offer to make the transition gradually so that the school budget for flexible library scheduling can be increased little by little

⭕️ All of these answer choices

❎ Involve teachers in planning for the change. Ask about their curricular and library needs. While the schedule is still fixed, ask teachers to stay when they bring their classes and help teach a coordinated lesson


A librarian would use the MARC system when:

❎ When deciding what outdated or damaged books need to be weeded from the collection

⭕️ When cataloging new books for the library collection

❎ When deciding the best arrangement for books on the library shelves

❎ When creating a library budget for the following year


A librarian observes that a teacher has made 35 copies of the first page of a 7-page science article in a magazine, one copy for each of his students. He states that he has cleared this with the principal. Are the teacher’s actions allowable under copyright law?

❎ No, because by copying the article, the teacher denies the author financial gain from his or her work

❎ Yes, because the teacher obtained permission from the principal to make these copies

❎ No, because only a single copy may be made of copyrighted material

⭕️ Yes, under the Fair Usage provision of the copyright law


Which of the following is the best way for a librarian to demonstrate respect for diversity in a school with a large population of Hispanic and Asian students?

❎ During library instruction, the librarian should repeatedly ask students if they understand her to make sure that students for whom English is a second language are receiving instruction that they understand

⭕️ Create a display of books and other materials on ethnic topics and invite students and parents to visit one evening and browse the display. Then, have a discussion period during which parents and children are invited to share special aspects of their heritages and customs

❎ Budget for books and media materials in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese at a variety of reading levels and on a variety of subjects

❎ When classes come for their assigned library time, ask students of various heritages to identify themselves and tell the class (in English) about their customs and languages


Which would be the most appropriate way for a librarian to instruct students in Internet research skills?

❎ Prepare a Power Point presentation that demonstrates the process of locating information on the Internet and present this program to all classes that come to the library

❎ Prepare a display of books about using the Internet and use class time to show these books to students, urging them to check out the books and read for themselves about ways to find information online

❎ Assign classes that come for their library period to choose a topic, locate information on the Internet and write down the website where they located it. When time is up, the librarian should call classes together to share

⭕️ After conferring with each classroom teacher about his or her current curriculum, demonstrate separately to different classes how to use the Internet to find information on the topic each class is presently studying

