





HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, HO-6, and HO-8 are all types of homeowners policies. Which two sets of policies are not solely designed for owner-occupied dwellings?

❎ HO-2 and HO-8

⭕️ HO-4 and HO-6

❎ HO-5 and HO-8

❎ HO-3 and HO-4


The HO-8, also known as the modified coverage form, is designed to meet the needs of what type of insured?

❎ Subsidized housing owners

❎ Owners of seasonal rental locations where the value of the dwelling exceeds the replacement cost value

⭕️ Owners of a historic home whose replacement cost value exceeds the value of the home itself

❎ Tenant-occupied locations in a poor protection class area


A tenant who does not need to buy coverage for the dwelling itself but would like to cover his own personal property should obtain which type of homeowners policy?

⭕️ HO-4

❎ HO-2

❎ HO-5

❎ HO-6


To obtain the broadest coverage available for an owner-occupied dwelling, the insured should purchase which type of homeowner’s policy?

❎ HO-8 modified coverage form

❎ HO-6 unit-owners form

❎ HO-2 broad form

⭕️ HO-5 comprehensive form


Broad form provides coverage for which of the following perils?

❎ Riot

❎ Theft

⭕️ Glass breakage

❎ Smoke


An unendorsed DP-3 policy does not provide coverage for which of the following exposures?

⭕️ Theft

❎ Garages

❎ Storage sheds

❎ Debris removal


The DP-3 Dwelling Form contains all of the following coverages EXCEPT:

❎ Coverage B – Other Structures

❎ Coverage C – Personal Property

⭕️ Coverage A – Land

❎ Coverage D – Fair Rental Value


Special forms coverage is coverage on a DP policy form that combines broad form perils with what other form of perils?

❎ Modified perils

❎ Basic form perils

⭕️ Open perils

❎ Special perils


Coverage C – Personal Property provides coverage for the insured’s personal property under what circumstance?

❎ Worldwide coverage

⭕️ While on the covered premises

❎ When the insured knowingly loans the property to a family member off premises

❎ While in the possession of the insured


Risks can be classified as pure or speculative. Which of the two, pure or speculative, is always undesirable?

❎ Neither

⭕️ Pure

❎ Speculative and pure

❎ Speculative


Which hazard is defined as intentionally causing, fabricating, or exaggerating a loss?

❎ Physical hazard

❎ Morale hazard

⭕️ Moral hazard

❎ Legal hazard


There are four types of hazards that cause a loss. An insured failing to salt and shovel her sidewalk after a snowstorm presents what type of hazard?

❎ Moral hazard

⭕️ Physical hazard

❎ Morale hazard

❎ Legal hazard


Sara is the owner of a gift shop that was struggling to make enough money to cover its bills. Sara knew there were reports of robberies in the area but continued to leave the doors to the store unlocked after she would leave at night. Sara figured if her store was robbed she could collect the insurance money and pay off some debt. Sara’s carelessness is an example of what type of hazard?

⭕️ Morale hazard

❎ Legal hazard

❎ Moral hazard

❎ Physical hazard


There are three elements to a loss exposure. What can be defined as a cause of loss?

⭕️ Peril

❎ Liability

❎ Asset exposed to loss

❎ Risk


Vandalism and Malicious Mischief (VMM) is an optional coverage that can be added by endorsement to which policy?

⭕️ DP-1

❎ DP-4

❎ DP-2

❎ DP-3

