
The UN employment process - an overhaul

I always felt anxious and uneasy about The UN only accepting employee who has both strong academic and career backgrounds. 

Of course, working as an international servant is a great responsibility, hence we all accept the brightest. I believe I can ask the same question when it comes to choosing a family doctor. If I was suffering from cancer, would I choose a family doctor who is just nice to me or a professional surgeon who has treated cancer million times? 

I guess what I have a problem with the UN employment system is not its aim of hiring the best of the brightest. However, its belief that those who graduated from best college had worked in a large enterprise or organization as "superior" than the other. 

I believe that an international organization like the UN must be an example to any other organizations or corporations around the world. Hence the UN organization was first to introduce "equal employment system" to show no discrimination in the hiring process - well, as far as one's racial, ethnic backgrounds or gender concerns.  

We are all aware that the authority figure's manner is followed as default within a power diagram. 


Do you believe in the world where children from a poor household dream about being an astronaut? Do you want to have a world that everyone receives a second chance in their career where their performance is judged by risk-taking and bold behavior rather than royalty? 

If we the United Nations believe in those things, they should start showing the world that nothing is impossible by accepting applicants who have diverse academic and career backgrounds. 

