

Tinfun nft is a new innovation by @lasercat which by combining ancient Chinese classics and blockchain technology aims to create a unique PFP project. The integration of traditional Chinese culture with blockchain innovation is a great way to showcase the beauty of eastern culture while leaving a mark on the western world.

The concept of the water-driven city of Tianfang, inspired by the Tao Te Ching, adds a sense of movement and interconnectedness to the project. I love the symbolism of water as the energy of movement and the "blessing" of Qilin. It's wonderful that this city allows people to sail through it, connecting different time and space and serving as the core of the project.

The choice of using the Kun boat as a vehicle and the Taotie and Pixiu as guards is a fantastic representation of characters derived from masterpieces and folklore like "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Sou Shen Ji". These characters are known to undertake important functions such as "praying for blessings and exorcising evil spirits", adding depth and meaning to the overall concept.

The team's dedication to incorporating traditional Chinese elements into the art is commendable. Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese painting, architecture, calligraphy strokes, patterns, and typography will create a visually stunning user interface that reflects the rich cultural heritage of China. The integration of Mohist mecha elements and Tianfang's "flow of water" into the icon design further adds to the uniqueness of the project.

The combination of Chinese traditional instruments and modern rhythms in the music is a brilliant way to create an ancient trap full of oriental charm and rich rhythm. The use of the ancient Chinese five tones and oracle bone glyph design elements adds authenticity to the music and enhances the overall immersive experience.

Collaborating with professional voice actors from domestic film and television dramas and variety shows to interpret the characters in Tianfang's story is a great idea. Adding a real-person dubbing feature will bring the characters to life in a more three-dimensional way, making the project even more engaging for the community.

The team behind Tinfun NFT, led by Lasercat, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the project. With Lasercat's background in working with leading companies like Tencent and a large following in WEB3, the project is in good hands. Additionally, having members of the art team who have worked for acclaimed companies like MiHoYo and Riot Games adds credibility to the quality of the artwork and design.

Overall, Tinfun NFT's combination of ancient Chinese classics with blockchain technology is an exciting and unique project. It's amazing to see how traditional Chinese culture can be brought to life through innovative platforms like blockchain. I look forward to seeing how the project progresses and how it will continue to bridge the gap between eastern and western cultures. I believe this is great for all of Asia.
