Arranging wild flowers: Button bush, Pokeberry


Buttonbush(タニワタリノキ) Pokeberry(ヨウシュヤマゴボウ)Spiderwort(ツユクサ) 

Buttonbush is a weird flower but I think it is very cute. I saw this flower at the ranch of my friend last year for a first time, and fell in love with it. This year, I found it at the ally of my back yard. Very exited. Nice to live in the country side…


From Four principals of Chado by Rikyu, it says that


“Arrange flowers as they are in a field“.

It means that arrange flowers naturally, and it does not mean that you should recreate the scene exactly as they are in a field. You should try to incorporate the beauty of flowers in a field and preciousness of life which was given from the nature.  Sooo difficult.
