

11月9日 東京の駒澤大学にて、開催された日本ベーシックインカムの関東研究会にて映画監督の増山麗奈が「ロシアのベーシックインカム」について報告をしました。30名が参加しました。

9th November,"Japan Association of Basic Income" held the second meeting of the East area. University in Tokyo.
増山 麗奈 (Rena Masuyama)(Film Maker and Director of JAOBI )gave a lecture About ”Basicincome Russia”,30 people attended the meeting.

Rena Masuyama Said to meet with "Basic Income Russia tomorrow". and She make Documentary film about UBI with "BasicIncome Russia Tomorrow".


"Basic Income Russia Tomorrow "is only one organization in Russia.
"Basic Income Russia Tomorrow" start small BI pilot test in Russia. They paid to 18 persons in Russia and Ukraine.
This is funding from Personal donation by Mr .Alexander who established an organization "Basic Income Russia Tomorrow".


The mother who get Basicincome from "Basic Income Russia Tomorrow" could return debt, and some children can enjoy ther first sea bathing.

Questionnaire processing is carried out by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Japan Association of Basic Income" support translate of interview that Rena 増山 麗奈 (Rena Masuyama) shoot with "Basic Income Russia tomorrow".
Thank you for 名川 文清 (Fumikiyo Nagawa) 樋口 浩義 (Hiroyoshi Higuchi) Eriko Okanouchi

And Rena Masuyama talk about"Lost generation".
"Lost generation"is the generation 35years old~45years old in Japan.

There are many non-regular employees in this generation.
In the Japanese Cabinet Office,
The Lost Generation Countermeasure Room has been established this summer.

The budget for supporting lost generation is ¥ 137.7 billion(1,262,709,000US$).
These are mainly devoted to technical support and education for finding employment.

Rena Masuyama insists ”Some of these budgets should be used for basic income to lost generation”.

日本経済復活の会会長 小野盛司先生は、日本経済がこの30年でどれだけ没落したのかを解説しました。
Seiji Ono (Reader of Japan Economic Revival Society)show how much the Japanese economy has fallen with date.

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Mr,Ono Introduced survey data by Nkkei newspaper.
These materials show the following facts:
"If the government was giving money to the citizens, GDP was rising"

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