Random Notes9

画像1 Nature is the only thing worth calling a religion. I lost my faith after seeing all the conflicts and killings caused by earthly, man-made religions.
画像2 God, faith, and religion are all different things. Religion happens to be the devil of the three marked with countless bloodsheds. You have to be naive to believe a book rewritten over centuries in order to define church's position in society
画像3 You don't need a religion to have a relationship with god. I believe in a creator of all things big and small and I love nature. Nature is very healing to the mind body and soul. In my opinion If you pick a race, you only leave space to discriminate.
画像4 Some of the most successful people ever were the most irrational, illogical, unreasonable, impractical souls among us, and just 'crazy' enough to believe in themselves and their dreams.
