
僕らが場をつくるわけ番外編〜コミュニティー形成その後〜The reason we make places *bonus round* ~After you've created your community~




Guest House wayaでは改築を通して、緩やかなコミュニティーというものが生まれました。































ヒム(日向)という2年半ほど前からwayaに関わってくれている若者と、学童保育をGuest House yuyu(雪結)でやることになりました。






















民間学童保育 アドベンチャークラブ札幌 お問い合わせはこちら

Up until last week, I wrote about the challenges one encounters and the important points to consider during each phase of making a place.
As a bonus, I'd like to write a bit about what happens after having created a place and established a community.

Choosing to renovate Guest House Waya by ourselves played a large part in having created an accessible community. Part of what makes it special is that anyone can enter and exit as they please.

It's been 2 years and 9 months since we opened up, and many changes have occurred since then - in particular, changes to the community.
People who used to come often started to visit less frequently, and the amount of new people has increased significantly.
It is the inevitable evolution of the community; that is to say, the community is growing up, much like a child would.
I suppose one of the reasons for the drastic changes is that us 3 founders are no longer frequently at the place.
However, I believe there is more to it than that.

Our new crewmates have brought with them new values and ideas, so people who are on a similar wavelength with them began coming to Waya, and a new, different sort of accessible community was formed.

At first, I was anxious about all the changes.
I thought, Why don't our old friends come? Have we done something wrong?
I let such delusions cloud my mind for a while, trying to come up with solutions for them.
Eventually, these delusions faded, and I realized one thing.

A community is a kind of ecosystem, in the sense that it is in a constant state of change. If we try to prevent these organic changes, we will create new, artificial ones instead, which will feel awkward and unnatural. We are better off flowing with this strange phenomenon, rather than attempting to go against the grain.
This was my thought process at the time, and now, after having built such a community, there is one thing I'm sure of: I've built relationships with each member of our community, all based on a foundation of mutual trust and understanding (in other words, friendship). I managed to reach the point with each of them where we could see each other everyday, or once a month, and it wouldn't make a big difference upon the next meeting. Even if it's been a while, we can pick up where we left off like it was just yesterday, and for me, this proves that our relationship is deep enough. it doesn't matter how often we meet.

I am doing my best in my new role, which has resulted in a steep decrease in how often I can meet the friends I've made at Waya, but when I do see them, we talk like it's been only a day. I feel comfortable in these relationships, and I think they do as well.

When your thought process goes from the anxiety over not being able to meet up often, to a sense of being secure in the fact that the relationship is doing fine despite the lack of in-person communication, the connection grows stronger.
It is important to form these types of relationships, little by little, after having created an accessible community.
The overall amount of members will slowly increase, like the alumni of a university.
You will form genuine connections which will bring to your life and to the community genuine good and happiness.
The relationships last for a lifetime, even if you are not at the original place of meeting (in this case, Waya).
The gradual creation of such relationships is one of the main factors in growing a community after having created your place.

Recently, a wonderful thing happened in our community that made me smile from ear to ear — this is a significant announcement.
We've started an after-school program for children, working along with Himu, a member of our community for the past 2 and a half years.
The program will take place at our second guesthouse (yuyu), which was recently admitted as an official location for the program by the Sapporo City government.

Ever since we met Himu, he'd been saying he wants to make a place where children can gather. He left Sapporo for Osaka, so he could make some money in order to fund his idea.
He came back to Sapporo this year, and began his search for a location. Along the way, we had the idea of using one of our guesthouses as the place, and we decided along with Himu to work together.
There were enough challenges along the way to merit a whole other post, but as I wrote, Guesthouse yuyu has been admitted as an institution for children.
I believe it is the first time that a hostel has officially received such a designation.

I see the following things as potential benefits:
- There will be a decrease in the amount of children waiting to get into certified public nursery schools.
- The children's creativity will be allowed to flourish.
- There will be an option for minority children (especially the children of foreign residents in Japan).
- The children will be exposed to various languages and cultures.

We will create these types of programs all over the country, and we will do so with Himu, with whom our relationship originated through our accessible community.
Is there anything more wonderful than this?
From the bottom of my heart, I don't think so.

A new challenge has now begun.
We have a long way to go to register the amount of children needed to be able to continue.
However, we believe in this new idea, and we think it has the potential to spread countrywide.
We will team up with Himu to suggest this new idea to the country of Japan.

We can do it, Himu. Let's get to work.
