

2018_04_17 ジョシュア ミルズ師 栄光カンファレンス in Tokyo ② KCI主催(56:17)英語→日本語逐次通訳
17 April, 2018, Joshua Mills “Glory Conference” in Tokyo by Kingdom Connection International (English into Japanese Interpretation) English Script Below


日の登る国 the Land of the Rising Sun (san)
御子の登る国 the Land of the Rising SON (san)

聖書 新改訳©2003新日本聖書刊行会
「But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.」
Malachi 4:2 NKJV
「But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.」
Malachi 4:2 NIV


実は2日前(2018.4.15(日))、大阪にいた最後の夜、私は真夜中に幻を見ました。入り込むような幻でした。そして「日が昇る国」(the Land of the Rising Sun)という言葉を見ましたが、その言葉は、日本をあらわすモットーやスローガンのようなものですよね。知ってますよ。その言葉は私が小さな子供の時から知っていました。しかし、その時見た言葉が違ったのは、英語では「サン(Sun:太陽)」とは空に光輝く球を意味しますが、同じ発音で「サン(Son)」息子という意味の言葉でした。38:05

私はこれを英語で見ました。なぜなら神様は私に英語で語られるからです。もちろん皆さんには神様は日本語で語られます。もし神様が私に日本語で語られたら、神様の語ることを何一つ理解できないでしょう。ですから(笑)、私に英語で語られた神様を、皆さんは赦さないといけないかもしれませんね。しかし、私が見たその言葉はS-O-N「御子の登る国」(the Land of the Rising SON)だったのです。38:41







イエス様の血潮の一滴が、聖め、綺麗にし、洗い流すのです。そしてこの国、日本は、主の旗を高く掲げ、必ず救われます!42:15 なぜなら神様が日本を愛しておられるからです!そして、イエス様がその王の血潮をこの国のために流してくださいました!イエス様はご自身をこの国のために捧げてくださったのです!













Photo taken by Marisa Kurosawa

【Prophecy】”JAPAN; The Land of The Rising SON”
17 April, 2018, Joshua Mills “Glory Conference” in Tokyo by Kingdom Connection International (English into Japanese Interpretation) English Script Below

「But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.」
Malachi 4:2 NKJV
「But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.」
Malachi 4:2 NIV

Prophecy begin at 36:38
You were singing a wonderful song about the blood of Jesus. You were singing it over and over about the blood of Jesus. About God’s blood, about the power of the blood, over and over and I turned to my interpreter here in front row. I said it’s specially amazing how God works.

Because two nights ago, my very last night in Osaka, in the middle of the night I had a dream. It was like a vision that I went into. And the words that I saw “the land of the rising sun”, which I know that’s the motto or the slogan of phrase of Japan. I know that! Since It’s known I was as a little child these were the land of the rising sun. But what was different about the words that I saw, it was seen in English, the word “sun” speaking of the bright ball in the sky. It’s the same word as “son” which means my son child, my boy child. 38:05

In the way that I saw in English because God speaks to me in English. I know He speaks to you in Japanese. If He spoke to me in Japanese, I wouldn’t understand nothing He’s saying. So, (laughing) if you have to forgive Him speaks to me in English. But the way that I saw the word, it was land of the rising Son, S-O-N. 38:41

And in this vision, my spirit immediately thought of the scripture says “the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings”, and I had spoken that scripture out earlier in the day when I was ministering in Osaka. And I had mentioned that the literal meaning of that scripture. It’s not wings like the bird’s wings. But the literal meaning of the sun of righteousness will rise healing in His rays of light.

And I saw the Son, Jesus Christ, rising up over Japan, lighten all His glorious light, the rays of light. And the next thing I saw was He stretched His hand out over the nation. And when I saw His hand, His right hand, it still had nailed pierce in His hand. And when He stretched out His hand over the nation, there was a drop of His blood. That came down and fell richly right in the middle of Japan.

When I saw the blood fall, it was marked as a spot on the nation. And the next thing I saw it was like when the blood touched the land, it was like those healing rays of light. Then I was seeing on Jesus would dispersed it from His blood. 40:46

And as far as I could looked at the nation, was pure and spotless and white! And it is funny the way the visions work(were) because it’s hard to explain in the natural because it doesn’t really make sense.

Next thing I saw was that as I was looking at the land all of a sudden it wasn’t the land anymore it was the flag of Japan. 41:17

and it was that drop of the blood of Jesus that was in the middle of the purity in the cleansing of(on) the nation. I don’t know. I don’t know anything about the flag, good or bad, the history or whatever it means it is religious or story, I don’t know. But what I do know God is giving you a prophetic sign. 41:54

That one drop of blood purifies and cleanses and washes it. And this nation, Japan, with the flag flown high, shall be saved! 42:15 Because God loves Japan! And Jesus shed His royal blood for this nation! Jesus gave Himself for this land!

And when I saw it, I realized that God is bringing a message of His blood, the power of the blood, a revelation of the blood. 42:50

I’m not talking about theological debates nor arguments. In the past, there’s been tendency for believers to try to argue logically with people to get people to accept Christ. 43:06

And I think anyway people accept Christ is wonderful. But I believe that there’s a new day that’s dawning. In the land of rising son, righteousness, He’s rising with healing in His rays of light.

There’s a revelation of the blood. There’s going to come back to this nation. When it comes, it’s going to come with power. It’s going to come with authority. But it’s also going to come with divine revelation.

Where people shall begin to see, their eyes will be open. And it’s that drop of the blood begin to touch their lives. It’s going to bring purity, and cleansing, and healing and peace. 44:06

Oh, yes. This is going forth with redemption. It’s going to come with victory. It’s the power of the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 44:20

You see the truth is. We cannot have a river of true revelation of the glory, until we have the revelation of the blood. Because the blood and the glory work together. The blood is the entrance. The blood is the doorway. The blood is the portal. The blood is the access. The blood is our forgiveness. The blood is our reconciliation with God. Our communion with God. 45:00

And in the days to come, I believe that God’s gonna drop it upon people’s heart. Give people’s encounter in the spirit pastors and lay people. Encountered with the blood. The message of the blood. The power of the blood.

And it’s going to sound that bring to come forth. A new song that sung. A new message that proclaimed. That will begin to bring that revelation of the blood to many.

All the way from the very north of Japan to the very south, the blood of Jesus’s cleansing this land. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 45:57

(Prophecy Fin.
but the message still continued)


聖書 新改訳©2003新日本聖書刊行会




