What's the real intelligence like?

most people who born and raised in a developed country have to get through educational system.

In that process, we 're dumped into the prcess in which we are forced to compete with other near aged people .

I don't disagree with that process . We as human have to have commonce important knowledge like calculation or language skill.

However, I doubt that is it perfect as intelligence index to value our intelligence skill.

In my view, we should take altanative subject in addition to recent traditional era like system. We can't value ppl's knowlege in our scholl system.

I really help wondering if really smart people who can't be valued by teacher or parents with the index of wrong point system.

music , art have the potential to altanative to recent subject.

It's really harsh actual smart people can't be valued exactly.

Besides the fact that recent limited subject value us since our childfood, I argue that the person who 're real intelligent one 's like using knowledge accumulated in one's brain day by day more automatically in the real world not only paper test.

I call that knowledge ” organic intelligence on the other side 's unorganic intelligence.

I insist on the real knowledge's like that!
