bias in English

Today also I read many articles and found interesting question. The writer who wrote the article said ”In Japan educatinal system of English 's somethimjg wrong compared to natural native speaker's usage. The reason why I think and feel so 's when I travel to US the other day , I felt the life of theirs are totally diffferent from English class I receive at my school. When I went to some shop to buy sourvenior, I get to know the words they use 's not as same as what I 've learn. I was so shocked cuz the time I 've learned since I was junior high meant waste of time. ”

After I read this article, I felt that's somehow wrong . Of course it's somewhat true that what he thought school education 's separate from life of English native speaker's.But he should notice the language or grammer we learn from school 's not waste of time. That's why what we learned's usuful in academic . since we graduate high school and then go to college , we have to write so much report in English and also read many thesis on book and internet. At this moment, normal language which means easy 's not usuful at all . After that experience, we at first notice what we 've learn at school's not usuful. so when the writer 's at high school, he has to learn in his school system honestly. In future definitly It would become usuful. God bless you.
