

I don't know that I can write today's diary. I couldn't be able to understand Atchan's talk. Since I looked at my memo, there is an only piece of talk.
When she was in the 5th grade, she went to the Mt. Fuji with her family. When American couple sat next to them in the bus, she could recognize the sound of English... Was her story right?
Was that the talk about the moment she realized her talent? I don't know.
Some parents have lots of lessons to develop their children's talents. But her policy is different. She didn't touch them. Let them be.
In my case, I wanted to take piano lessons, but I couldn't. So I like music so long time.

I don't know if I could write the diary today. I'm not sure if I really understood what she said. I only see a little piece of memo with me.
When she was in the 2nd grade, she went to Mt. Fuji with her family. When some American couple sat in the back of her in the bus, she could recognize the sound of English. She said that she felt like she was surrounded by the sound to her, it was like music.
Was that the moment she realized her talent? I don't know.
Some parents give their children lots of lessons to develop their talent. But her policy was different. She tried not to give her own children any lessons beforehand. She let them be the way they were. Then whatever the child is doing, that's something he or she has as talent.
I totally agree with her in my case, I wanted to take piano lessons, but I couldn't. That made me realize my love and desire for music with in myself so strongly.

A:〜できるのかなI don't know if I could 〜

today's diary →the diary today

could とbe able toで被っている
I'm not sure if I really understood what she said.

my memo×

Mt. Fuji→theはいらない。

5th grade→2nd grade聞き間違い

American couple→some American couple

next to them→in the back of her聞き間違い

Was her story right? 読んでる人が混乱する為要らない。

Was that the talk about the moment she realized her talent?
the talk aboutが要らない。

have lots of lessons→give their children lots of lessons
そうでない場合はgive lots of 〜 to their children

to develop their children's talents→to develop their talent

But her policy is→was

She didn't touch them. Let them be.説明がなさ過ぎる。会話ではOKだが文章にするには補足が必要。

beforehand あらかじめ、前もって 副詞
