
女の子: すみません。NHKホールにはどう行けばいいですか。
沙智子: えーと、上に上がって、ハチ公口、B2から出ます。前方右側にコージーコーナー、前方左側にTSUTAYAが見えると思います。とても大きいスクランブル交差点が絶対あるので、渡ってそれらの店の間の道に入ります。右手にマルイが見えるまでまっすぐ進んで、そこで左に曲がります。

I was at the ticket gate of Shibuya Station on Hanzoumon Line.
The Girl: Excuse me. How can I get to NHK Hall?
Sachiko: Well, you'll go upstairs, and go out from Hachikou exit, number B-2.
You'll find the shop called Cozy Corner right in front of you on the right. And you'll find the shop called Tsutaya right in front of you on the left.
There is a big scramble intersection, you can't miss it.
You'll cross the intersection and go between those shops. And you'll go straight along the street until you'll find Marui on your right. And you'll turn left at that corner.
And you'll go straight along the street, and you'll walk for about more than 10 minutes.
Then you'll find the Shibuya Koukaidoh on your left, and go across the street and walk about 5 minutes.
Then you'll see NHK Hall on your left.

I was at the ticket gate of Shibuya Station on Hanzohmon Line.
The Girl: Excuse me. How can I get to NHK Hall?
Sachiko: Well, you'll go upstairs, and go out from Hachikoh exit, number B-2.
You'll find the shop called Cozy Corner right in front of you on the right. And you'll find the shop called Tsutaya right in front of you on the left.
There is a big scramble intersection, you can't miss it.
You'll cross the intersection and go between those shops. And you'll go straight along the street until you'll find Marui on your right. And you'll turn left at that corner.
And you'll go straight along the street, and you'll walk for more than 10 minutes.
Then you'll find the Shibuya Kohkaidoh on your left, and go across the street and walk for about 5 minutes.
Then you'll see NHK Hall on your left.
