
By following the movement of money, you can prevent unnecessary spending.

Hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

So today

"By following the movement of money, you can prevent unnecessary expenses."

I'm going to talk about it.

this story today

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Now let's get down to business.

Well everyone

How do you feel when you hear about wasteful spending?

Are you very careful?

Or don't you care too much?

Well, some people may not care,

For those who are concerned, it is better to know a little

It can also prevent unnecessary spending,

I will introduce it today.

​Previously introduced

When buying products as a way not to waste

I think I introduced the method of dividing into “consumption and waste”,

The method this time is

It is a method that simply focuses on the movement of money.

For example, shopping at a supermarket.

Have you ever wondered how your money works when you shop at the supermarket?

This is how money moves in supermarkets.

the money you have

I will move to the person in the shop.

Only this.

What about restaurants?


From customers who ate and drank

The money goes to the store clerk.

That's all.

These two patterns

simple money movement

And it's too easy

Not very helpful, but

I think it's a very easy-to-understand example when you just look at the movement of money.

Focusing only on the movement of money like this

Looking at the movement

Even when using unexpectedly familiar services

While I don't know the small amount of money

Notice that you are moving from yourself to the other.​

To cite one representative

That's bank charges.

Unintentionally withdrawing cash out of hours,

Paying by bank transfer even though it is not specified,

Just because it's convenient, give some reason

Are you using that service?

I really shouldn't have to drop it off overtime...

There should be no problem with paying in cash...

Let's take a look at the movement of money even at this time.

Out of hours withdrawals are

Money will flow from your bank to you

Conversely, the money will be transferred from you to the bank.

The same is true for bank transfers.

After the money is transferred from your home to the bank

In addition, money moves from your place to the bank as a fee.

This is how it works.

In other words,

money deposited in the bank

It's the money that originally belonged to me.

in short,

the money I had

Once you go to a bank,

the money that was transferred

I just tried to return it to myself outside of time

Another money moves from your hand to the bank.

Isn't it strange?

Just move my money to my place

Another money move

I think this is a waste of money.

Bank services are easy to understand today,

I used a bank as an example.

when you buy a product,

when eating and drinking,

Even when using invisible services such as insurance and finance

Considering this movement of money

things you don't really need,

You can see the movement of money for useless things.

​​That is,

If you pay attention to the movement of money moving from your place to the other party,

It is very difficult to lose money.

It can't be helped when you get what you need,

Watch the movement of money moving from your place to the other party

Then just think about what you need or what you don't need

Avoid unnecessary spending.

Moreover, this

If you use it, you will also notice fraud,

You can also notice the pushy sales that make you sign a contract without realizing it.

So today's story

How was it?

If you want to reduce your wasteful spending even more,

Why don't you try it from a familiar place?

If you think this story was good, please

Please share.

See you soon ✌️
