
大学院受験のための心理学英語購読会 note #002


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▼ 大学院入試対策
▼ 心理学英単語 A to Z
▼ 大学院受験のための心理学英語講読会-初級編
▼ 大学院受験のための心理学英語講読会-中級編


9. Many cases of forgetting in long-term memory are due to retrieval failures (the information is there but cannot be found). Retrieval failures are more likely to occur when there is interference from items associated with the same retrieval cue. Such interference effect suggests that retrieval from long-term memory may be accomplished through a sequential search process or a spreading activation process.
10. Some forgetting from long-term memory is due to a loss from storage, particularly when there is a disruption of the processes that consolidate new memories. The biological locus of consolidation includes the hippocampus and surrounding cortex.
Recent research suggests that consolidation takes a few weeks to be completed.
11. Retrieval failures in long-term memory are less likely when the items are organized during encoding and when the context at the time of retrieval is similar to the context at the time of encoding. Retrieval processes can also be disrupted by emotional factors. In some cases, anxious thoughts interfere with retrieval of the target memory; in others, the target memory may be actively blocked (repressed). In still other cases, emotion can enhance memory, as in flashbulb memories.
12. Explicit memory refers to the kind of memory manifested in recall or recognition, in which we consciously recollect the past. Implicit memory refers to the kind of memory that manifests itself as an improvement on some perceptual, motor, or cognitive task, with no conscious recollection of the experiences that led to the improvement. Although explicit memory-particularly recall and recognition of facts-breaks down in amnesia, implicit memory is usually spared. This suggests that there may be separate storage systems for explicit and implicit memory.

出典:Smith, E. E., Fredrickson, B., Loftus, G., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., & Barbara, F.(2003). Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology 14th Wadsworth Pub Co.





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