海外旅行に向けて準備 ~chatGPTとともに~






実際に今回の教材作りに利用しているgoogle colabのノートブックと、それに簡単な解説をつけたgithubのリンクを載せておきます。




1. スクリプトの作成





場面: レストランでの注文

登場人物: あなた (Y) とウェイター (W)



Y: Good evening. Could you recommend any specialties of the house?

W: Of course! Our chef's specials tonight are the seafood paella and the grilled sirloin steak. They are both highly recommended.

Y: That sounds great. I'll go with the seafood paella, please. And may I have a glass of red wine to go with it?

W: Excellent choice! A glass of red wine with the seafood paella it is. Anything else for you?

Y: No, that should be it for now, thank you.


W: (After the meal) How was your meal? Is there anything else I can get for you?

Y: The paella was delicious, thank you. Could you please bring the check?

W: Of course. I'll bring it right away.


W: Here's your check, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with tonight?

Y: No, everything was perfect, thank you. By the way, are there any interesting places around here that you would recommend visiting?

W: Certainly! If you're interested in local history, there's a museum just a few blocks away, and the waterfront promenade is also quite beautiful in the evening.

Y: Thank you for the recommendations. I'll check those out.

W: You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening!


2. スクリプトのリスニング化

google colabで作業をします。詳しいところはnotebookのCreate Audio Scriptの項目を見てもらえると嬉しいですが、

# Docs.mdのDataPreparationを参照
# chatgptから会話内容を作成して、それぞれにまとめる
Y_list = [
    "Good evening. Could you recommend any specialties of the house?",
    "That sounds great. I'll go with the seafood paella, please. And may I have a glass of red wine to go with it?",
    "No, that should be it for now, thank you.",
    "The paella was delicious, thank you. Could you please bring the check?",
    "No, everything was perfect, thank you. By the way, are there any interesting places around here that you would recommend visiting?"

W_list = [
    "Of course! Our chef's specials tonight are the seafood paella and the grilled sirloin steak. They are both highly recommended.",
    "Excellent choice! A glass of red wine with the seafood paella it is. Anything else for you?",
     "How was your meal? Is there anything else I can get for you?",
    "Of course. I'll bring it right away.",
    "Certainly! If you're interested in local history, there's a museum just a few blocks away, and the waterfront promenade is also quite beautiful in the evening.",
    "You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening!"

# ToDo: 年齢とか、性別とかそういう要素で判定できるようにする
Y_voice = "Clyde"
W_voice = "Rachel"

# concatenate audio
audios = []

for yl, wl in zip(Y_list, W_list):

  y_audio = generate(
  w_audio = generate(


# display audio
sf = 44100
all_audio = audios[0]
for a in audios[1:]:
  all_audio += a



Y: Good evening. Could you recommend any specialties of the house?

W: Of course! Our chef's specials tonight are the seafood paella and the grilled sirloin steak. They are both highly recommended.

Y: That sounds great. I'll go with the seafood paella, please. And may I have a glass of red wine to go with it?

W: Excellent choice! A glass of red wine with the seafood paella it is. Anything else for you?

Y: No, that should be it for now, thank you.


W: (After the meal) How was your meal? Is there anything else I can get for you?

Y: The paella was delicious, thank you. Could you please bring the check?

W: Of course. I'll bring it right away.


W: Here's your check, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with tonight?

Y: No, everything was perfect, thank you. By the way, are there any interesting places around here that you would recommend visiting?

W: Certainly! If you're interested in local history, there's a museum just a few blocks away, and the waterfront promenade is also quite beautiful in the evening.

Y: Thank you for the recommendations. I'll check those out.

W: You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

あなたはウェイターに感謝の意を示し、レストランを後にします。\ 以下の文章をYの英文のリストとWの英文のリストに並べ替えて出力してください。出力のフォーマットは以下です。
Y: [英文]
W: [英文]



Good evening. Could you recommend any specialties of the house?
That sounds great. I'll go with the seafood paella, please. And may I have a glass of red wine to go with it?
No, that should be it for now, thank you.
The paella was delicious, thank you. Could you please bring the check?
No, everything was perfect, thank you. By the way, are there any interesting places around here that you would recommend visiting?


Of course! Our chef's specials tonight are the seafood paella and the grilled sirloin steak. They are both highly recommended.
Excellent choice! A glass of red wine with the seafood paella it is. Anything else for you?
(After the meal) How was your meal? Is there anything else I can get for you?
Of course. I'll bring it right away.
Certainly! If you're interested in local history, there's a museum just a few blocks away, and the waterfront promenade is also quite beautiful in the evening.
You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

また、elevanlabsはsignupしていない時の利用回数に制限あるので、制限なしで利用したい方は、signup or loginした後、以下のdocumentに従ってAPIをアクティベートしてください。







Y: Good evening. Could you recommend any specialties of the house?

W: Of course! Our chef's specials tonight are the seafood paella and the grilled sirloin steak. They are both highly recommended.

Y: That sounds great. I'll go with the seafood paella, please. And may I have a glass of red wine to go with it?

W: Excellent choice! A glass of red wine with the seafood paella it is. Anything else for you?

Y: No, that should be it for now, thank you.


W: (After the meal) How was your meal? Is there anything else I can get for you?

Y: The paella was delicious, thank you. Could you please bring the check?

W: Of course. I'll bring it right away.


W: Here's your check, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with tonight?

Y: No, everything was perfect, thank you. By the way, are there any interesting places around here that you would recommend visiting?

W: Certainly! If you're interested in local history, there's a museum just a few blocks away, and the waterfront promenade is also quite beautiful in the evening.

Y: Thank you for the recommendations. I'll check those out.

W: You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your evening!





問題 1:

A) "What time does the restaurant close?"
B) "Is there a vegetarian option?"
C) "How was your meal?"
D) "Do you have any specials tonight?"

答え 1: C) "How was your meal?"

解説 1: ウェイターは料理を提供した後に、食事の感想を尋ねました。

問題 2:

A) Grilled sirloin steak
B) Vegetable stir-fry
C) Seafood paella
D) Chicken Caesar salad

答え 2: C) Seafood paella

解説 2: Yは海鮮パエリアを選びました。

問題 3:

A) White wine
B) Sparkling water
C) Red wine
D) Orange juice

答え 3: C) Red wine

解説 3: ウェイターはパエリアに赤ワインを提供しました。

問題 4:

A) "What's the chef's special tonight?"
B) "Is there a discount for the meal?"
C) "Could you please bring the check?"
D) "Do you accept credit cards?"

答え 4: C) "Could you please bring the check?"

解説 4: Yは支払いをするためにウェイターにチェックを頼みました。

問題 5:

A) "Can you recommend any interesting places to visit around here?"
B) "What time does the museum close?"
C) "Do you have a loyalty program for frequent customers?"
D) "Can I get a discount on my next meal?"

答え 5: A) "Can you recommend any interesting places to visit around here?"

解説 5: 最後に、Yはウェイターに観光スポットを尋ねました。



