
IELTS / TOEFL / 英検1級 Essay (5)

Does advertising influence what you think is important? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?


1. 断言する:(a _ _ r ) that SV~ 

2. 無害そうにみえる:look (i  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s )

3. 社会の崩壊:the (d _ _ _ _ _ _ l ) of society


Not a day goes by without our being exposed to advertising these days. You cannot watch TV, take the train, nor walk around the city without seeing various kinds of advertisements. It is quite natural, therefore, that advertising exerts a considerable influence on our thoughts and values without us realizing that it does. I am also of the opinion that this tendency is potentially treacherous because it eventually undermines our ability to make rational choices. 



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