
"いんえいさん"で考え中 / Talking About "IneiSan" (English Translation)




「陰翳礼讃」の読みは、インエイライサン。影や、光のあたらないところをほめたたえる、という意味だ。「陰翳礼讃」は漢字だといまいち堅苦しいのだけれど、英語だとかんたんに、「In Praise of Shadows(影を褒める)」。






1. 「陰翳礼讃」の拡張
2.  80年後の「陰翳礼讃」
3. 「陰翳礼讃」への、自分なりのものさし




Talking About "IneiSan": "After" In Praise of Shadows (English Translation)

"I would evoke the already lost world of shadows -- at least in 'photograph's' domain."
(Inspired and mainly referred from "In Praise of Shadows: The classic essay on Japanese aesthetics" translated by Gregory Starr. *Except for 'photograph's' )

Photographs with a lot of shadows and dark areas give me a stronger sense that time has stopped than usual. At the same time, there is a sense of relief. The great writer Junichiro Tanizaki once wrote about such "shadows and dark areas" in his essay "陰翳礼讃."

These little complicated four kanji characters "陰翳礼讃" are read in kana as "In Ei Rai San," meaning, praising ("Rai San") shadows and darkness ("In Ei"). This essay is translated in English and published with the title of "In Praise of Shadows."

In the essay, Tanizaki wrote "I am impressed how Japanese people understand the secret of shadow and darkness well and how smart they are to use light and shadow properly." And at the same time, he lamented that modernization based on Western culture is losing the secret.

More than 80 years have passed since "陰翳礼讃" was written. Nevertheless, even at the present day, things introduced as representative examples of "In Praise of Shadows" are still images such as traditional Japanese houses, Noh, Japanese tea, etc.

However, in fact, you can see that the concept of "陰翳礼讃" has been handed down to not only those images but also many. In addition, reading through the essay made me think that Junichiro Tanizaki wanted to say was not limited to just praising the shadow.

This is a story about self-centered aesthetics, autonomy, and a skill to keep protecting them.

In this “After In Praise of Shadows” series, I will try to expand the meaning of it and places where this concept can be applied. "After" includes three meanings: 
1. To expand "In Praise of Shadows"
2. "In Praise of Shadows" 80 years later
3. Contains my self-measure to "In Praise of Shadows"

This experiment is for shifting timelines that bring the society some tranquility. This project is for coping with information overflow by editing images based on shadows and darkness. Such images are updated regularly at here, so, do follow.

Anybody can participate to this project whenever you want. There is only one condition to participate. If you encounter one thing you think it should be in "In Praise of Shadows" world, take a picture, and just posting it to your social media feed (Twitter, Instagram, whatever) with a hashtag, #IneiSan .

Let's bring back tranquility to our timelines.
