
Art and traditional island Teshima

This is a report introducing Teshima an island of art. I am writing to let people know how good Japanese museums and artworks are and to practice my English.


Teshima Art Museum is located on an island called Teshima in Kagawa Prefecture, and must be reached by boat from Takamatsu City in Kagawa Prefecture or Uno City in Okayama Prefecture. If you are going to Teshima be aware of the lack of boat service.


Tranceportation on the island is mainly by bus or rented electric bicycles. Buses go directly to almost all artworks and are inexpensive but infrequent and narrow. Rental electric bicycle offer a wonderful experience of wind and nature, but are a bit expensive.

Art works

Artworks in there include the Teshima Art Museum, where visitors can go inside "Matrix" by Rei naito and Ryue Nisizawa, the Heartbeat Archive by Christian Botticelli, and the Needle Factory by Shinro Ohtake.

In the following report, I will introduce Teshima Art Museum and write my impression. Thank you.
