
前編 Bay Areaで育った当時の若者が見てきた90年代のHip Hopシーンと「今」


Kerry Yarbrough (DJ / Rap & Hip Hop Buyer at Amoeba San Francisco)

1. 自己紹介とご自身のバックグラウンドについてご紹介をお願いします。
1. Please introduce yourself and tell me your background.

Kerry Yarbrough、時折George Blendaという名前で活動をしています。1974年、カリフォルニア州*アラメダ生まれ、今までの人生の大半はアラメダ、モントレー、サンフランシスコで過ごしてきました。DJは98年に始めて、現在も活動していて、今もDJはレコードのみ。それとサンフランシスコの**AmoebaレコードでRap/Hip Hopのバイヤーとしても働いています。


それは当時***Oliver WangがElektra Recordから卸された****KMDのBlack Bastardsのブート盤をKALXのラジオ番組で流していたのを聴いた時です。その番組に電話をかけてどこでそのレコードが買えるか尋ねたところ、バークレーのAmoebaで買えることを教えてくれました。そこでレコードを買って、倉庫から壊れた例の両親のオンボロターンテーブルを引っ張り出してかけると、奇跡的に動き出し聴くことができました。


***Oliver Wang:ロスアンゼルス出身のDJ、ライター、ミュージックジャーナリスト
****KMD:90年代初頭のヒップホップグループ、MF DOOMもメンバーとして活動していた。

Madvillain (MF DOOM & Madlib) - All Caps

Kerry Yarbrough, occasionally known as George Blenda. Born in Alameda, CA in 1974, lived decent chunks of my life in Alameda, Monterey and San Francisco. Started DJing in '98, still going, still playing nothing but vinyl, and I'm currently the rap/hip hop buyer for Amoeba San Francisco.

Started buying records in elementary school but went through phases with it because my parents' turntable would go down for years at a time only to magically come back to life. That happened about three times, the last one being in '94.

Oliver Wang played the bootleg of KMD's Black Bastards that got out when Elektra shelved it on his radio show on KALX. I called the show and asked how to get that and he kindly directed me to Amoeba Berkeley. Went and got me a copy, pulled the folks' old dead turntable out of storage and it miraculously worked yet again, and I haven't stopped buying rap records since.

2. 一番影響を受けた人は誰ですか?
2. Who are your biggest influences?



たぶん90年代のBay Area College and Community Radioシーンだと思う。KALX, KPOO, KZSUのウィークリーラップショー…どの局か覚えていないんだけど、*Spiderman (DJ) がサウスベイでとても良いショーを発信していたよ。90年代中頃はよくテープやCDを買っていたけど、DJを始める前はそんなにたくさんのレコードは買っていなかった。なので12インチカットされている新譜レコードを知るための情報はすべてラジオからだったんだ。




*DJ Spiderman:ベイエリアのアンダーグラウンドミュージック、Hip Hopシーンに深く貢献していたDJ。2000年12月に交通事故により死去

My biggest influence was probably the Bay Area college and community radio scene in the 90's. The weekly rap shows on KALX, KPOO, KZSU... I can't remember the station but Spider Man had a great show coming out of the South Bay. I was buying a good amount of tapes and CDs in the mid 90's but not too many records before I started DJing, so the radio shows were the place to hear everything new that was only out on 12" single.

I always wanted to hear as much as possible so it always got on my nerves when they'd take up time flipping doubles and I think that had a lot of influence on my style. I've always been more into putting a good set together and nailing the transitions than doing a lot of tricks.

Which is funny because the late 90's turntable scene would probably be my other big influence, but from that I think I got more of a punk rock attitude towards DJing than anything else.

With those influences I guess I've always felt that DJing is way more about the real rap heads and the art than making people dance.

3. DJのキャリアで一番思い出深いことはなんですか?
3. What is the most memorable moment in your DJ career?



自分たちはDJに対する姿勢や仕事の経験に共通していることがとてもあって、自分の悩みや不満はまるで鏡のように彼女自身も分かっている。もしかしたら彼女と出会えたことは自分の人生で最高の出来事なんじゃないかなと思うよ。だから間違いなくこれがNo 1.

期待していた回答がこういうことではなかった場合なんだけど、**Pam The Funkstressと一緒にDJをしたことがDJキャリアではたぶん一番エキサイティングな出来事だったと思う。***The Coup, Kill My Landlord and Stealが大好きで、いつも自分の持っているレコードの中でのベスト2のうちの1つでもあるんだ。彼女が亡くなった日からそこまで前の出来事ではなかったんだけど、Yokoと一緒に彼女とAmoeba サンフランシスコでDJをしたんだ。彼女の近くにいるだけでとても緊張していたよ。でも、彼女はとてもスウィートな人柄だった。

****Dillaが亡くなった日にShoheiと一緒にall Dilla setを一緒にDJしたことをまだ覚えているよ(笑)

*Yoko:Kerryのパートナー、Kerryと同様にベイエリアで活動するReggae DJ
**Pam The Funkstress:The CoupのDJ、オークランド出身、2017年12月に死去
***The Coup:Boots Rileyを中心にオークランドで結成されたヒップホップバンド
****Dilla:Jay Dee, J Dilla デトロイト出身、数多くのアーティストに影響を与えた90年代に代表されるヒップホッププロデューサー

The Coup - Pam The Funkstress (LIVE)

Rock The Bells - Part 1 (The Coup & Blackalicious)

Pharcyde - Runnin (produced by J Dilla)

The most memorable moment in my DJ career... sorry if it comes off as a trick answer Shohei but you know I'm not lying when I say it has to be meeting Yoko right? Current events aside, I feel like I'm really living the dream right now. But it wasn't the smoothest road getting here, and to have a partner like Yoko who has always been 1000% supportive of me and everything I do with music, and an incredible DJ herself has been invaluable.

We have similar attitudes about DJing and have had similar experiences with the business, so a lot of the complaints I have about it are things we've both been through as opposed to just myself. She's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me so that has to be no 1.

Otherwise, getting to play with Pam The Funkstress was probably the most exciting moment of my career. I love The Coup, Kill My Landlord and Steal This Album are easily two of my favorite records of all time. Yoko and I played with her at Amoeba SF not too long before she passed away. I was so nervous just being around her but she is the sweetest person ever.

I still remember playing an all Dilla set with you the day he passed away, ha ha... that was an interesting one. A lot more memories like that than famous people or places.

4. 音楽から何を学びましたか?
4. What have you learnt from music?




それで確か2017年、*Prince Paulのオープニングアクトの**Souls of MischiefのTajaiを見に行ったんだ。Tajaiとは高校が一緒で、彼は特にソロではほとんどパフォーマンスをしないので、だから来てもおよそ半分くらいの同級生と顔合わせるんだろうと思っていたんだけど、Nope! 自分だけだったんだ…(笑)


*Prince Paul:元Stetsasonicのメンバー、Hip Hopのプロデューサー、ラッパーとして活躍
**Soul of Mischief:オークランドで結成されたA-Plus, Opio, Phesto, Tajaiで構成されたヒップホップグループ。代表曲に93 ’Til Infinityがある。

Stetsasonic - Talkin' All That Jazz

Soul of Mischief - 93 ’Til Infinity

I think the most helpful thing I've learned in terms of DJing is to just make sure I have fun and enjoy myself and not to stress over things I can't control. When I have a gig I'm going to play records I want to play, as loud as possible, drink a few beers, and whatever else happens, happens. Doesn't matter how many people show up or how much money I make, I'm going to have a good time.

Especially as we get older, that's the only reason to still be an active DJ, because it can easily start to feel unfulfilling.

Our friends start to have kids or just don't have the time or energy or even the desire to be out at bars late at night. It was wearing on me a little bit, not getting as much support as I would have liked or even expected,

and then I think in 2017 I went to see Tajai from Souls Of Mischief open up for Prince Paul. We went to high school together and he doesn't perform too often, especially solo, so I assumed it would be half our graduating class there to see him. Nope! Just me, ha ha.

That was a real eye-opener. Since that night it's been a lot easier for me to appreciate any and all support I get.


取材・翻訳:Shohei Otsubo
