[FORTNITE]FNCSシーズンファイナル考察、感想! Asiaトリオ1位(CR RizArt.,CR Ruri,Riddle Maufin.) FNCS season final considerations, impressions! Asia trio 1st


前回はトリオウィーク1 NA-Eastトリオ1位の考察、感想をまとめました。

1-3試合目 link:https://www.openrec.tv/dashboard/live/edit/e5rklv0x9zv
4-6試合目 link:https://www.openrec.tv/dashboard/live/edit/6oz32mylyr3







→Riddle Maufin.さんが181ダメージを受けるがシールドバリアを貼る。







CR RizArt.さんが回復をしている間CR Ruriさんがいて相手が来ても
その間にRiddle Maufin.さんは安置先にいる。

Riddle Maufin.さんがショックウェーブグレネードを使って上にジャンプ。

Riddle Maufin.さんがやられた敵をCR RizArt.さんが倒す。
→CR RizArt.さんが見ていた敵をおっかけて倒す形。
  資材、回復も欲していたのでRiddle Maufin.さんを倒した後に
  →CR RizArt.さんが結果的にその敵を倒すチャンスが生まれていた。

CR RizArt.さんが一旦落ち着いた先に敵がいたので編集後倒す。

CR Ruriさんが回復した後に編集して進もうとしたが、敵にやられる。



CR RizArt.さんがアサルトを持って攻撃をしかける。



CR Ruriさんがルートレイクの球体から飛ぼうとする時に資材を使用して






CR RizArt.さんが敵のショックウェーブグレネードで飛ばされる。

CR RizArt.さんは敵の建築を斜線切るのに使用しつつ合流。

Riddle Maufin.さんは先に安置の方に移動して待ち構えている。

→上にいる的に向かってCR RizArt.さんがロケランを撃って落下で敵を倒す。









CR RizArt.さんがRiddle Maufin.さんと合流するタイミングで敵だと思った
CR Ruriさんへ攻撃をする。








CR RizArt.さんが敵からの攻撃を受けて瀕死状態になる。



→Riddle Maufin.さんが落ち着いた動きで敵を倒す。

見て倒しに行く。(Riddle Maufin.さん)

CR Ruriさんが敵から攻撃を受けて敵の目の前まで落ちる。
 →CR Ruriさんが安置内に移動する意識を見せている間に、
  Riddle Maufin.さんが安置ダメは喰らいつつ落下ダメージを






→Riddle Maufin.さんがショックウェーブグレネードを使って避けつつ
 →CR Ruriさんがダウンする。

結果CR Ruriさんはやられてしまう。
→CR RizArt.さんも瀕死状態にまで陥る。
 →Riddle Maufin.さんと共に生き残る。

→Riddle Maufin.さんが大きくダメージを受けるもののしっかり敵を倒す。


CR RizArt.さんがショックウェーブグレネードで上を取りに行こうとする。










以上、FNCSシーズンファイナル Asiaトリオ1位を考察、感想まとめました!





Good evening! This is Star_hoshi.
Last time, Trio Week 1 NA-East Trio No. 1 thoughts and thoughts are summarized.
This time, we will summarize the thoughts and impressions of the Asia Trio No. 1 in the FNCS Season Final!
The major difference from the previous time is that the season final will be a 6-match system. Until now, it was a match in 10 matches, but one match is very important because the number of matches has decreased.
Think about what the Asia Trio No. 1 was thinking about!

[1st game]

Location: Retail low

[1 Enshrinement]
The preparation is very stable because there were no enemies.
→ We announced on Twitter that we would get down to this place in advance
→ It can be taken as a declaration that knew that the game had begun before the fight.

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 12:30)
Engagement using jumpers.
→ The theory that I wanted to go to enshrine early.
→ → By placing it first, you will only hit the enemy coming from the outside.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:44)
They were using a bonfire, but all recovered and broke the bonfire floor.
→ The position information is not passed from surrounding enemies as much as possible.

(Around 16:50)
Move to the enshrinement with jumpers
→ Riddle Maufin. Takes 181 damage but puts a shield barrier.
→→ You can avoid the pursuit from the surroundings, and you can afford to recover.

[5 Enshrinement]
Attacking the enemy on the north side while cutting the diagonal lines around.
→ The surrounding hate can be collected in that place, not attacked from around
Since it is not on the ground, there is a possibility that a chance to defeat the fallen enemy may be created.

Timing using jumpers
→ If you ’re flying around, you ’re not alone,
The theory that the damage is reduced if you fly at that timing.

[6 Enshrinement]
Attacking the same place as the enemies around (all three)
→ Although there is a risk taken by other enemies, it is an opportunity to move up.
→ If you defeat the enemy, there is a chance of recovery.

(Around 20:53)
Use additional jumpers.
→ There was a mountain in the enshrinement.
The theory to make a chance to take the top for that.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 21:39)
It is a place where there is no mountain in the enshrinement.
→ Get down to the bottom first.
→ Rather than taking the top and using the material, take the top after moving further
The theory that makes the means.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 23:15)
Riddle Maufin. Jumped up using Shockwave Grenade.
→ The theory I used because I had a chance to defeat the enemy at the top because I had a location.

(Around 23:22)
CR RizArt. Defeats the enemy killed by Riddle Maufin.
→ CR RizArt. Defeats the enemy he was watching.
→ From the enemy
After wanting materials and recovery, after defeating Riddle Maufin.
It was considered to put in death.
→ CR RizArt. Had a chance to defeat the enemy as a result.

(Around 23:30)
Since CR RizArt. Once settled down, there was an enemy, so he defeated it after editing.
→ Kill born because he was calm and looking at the back of the wall architecture.

(Around 23:37)
After CR Ruri recovered, he tried to edit and proceed.
→ I was impressed because the other party was waiting to edit.
→ The theory that it was good to edit and move from another place.

[2nd game]

Location: Retail low

[1 Enshrinement]
CR RizArt. Attacked with an assault.
→ The theory is that there was a chance to defeat the enemy with no risk first.

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 10:00)
A bonfire is restored at the end of the cave.
→ Then attacked because there was an enemy in the bone.
→ Since the height was won, attack to avoid storm surge
The theory I went to.

(Around 10:15)
Use a jumper in a position where it will not be counterattacked by the attacking enemy.
→ To avoid engagement from the opponent.
→ If you move from the front, you may be attacked there.
Furthermore, attacking from other enemies when heading to Anti while receiving the attack
The possibility of receiving is born.
→→ The refuge movement does not go straight but detours.

(Around 11:20)
When CR Ruri tries to fly from the root lake sphere,
Trying to fly.
→ If you jump in the rip zone of the root lake, you will be hit by the enemy and difficult to counterattack.

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 12:58)
Move into the enshrinement with a jumper.
→ Move in the middle of the enshrinement.
→ → I don't know where to move in the state where there are three mountains in the morgue.
→ Move with a little margin no matter which next move you go to
I am making it possible.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 16:40)
Kill an enemy with Rokeran Snake Sand.
→ Simply strong combo.

(Around 17:10)
Defeat enemies that are moving in stagnation.
→ The merit of being enshrined first is alive.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:35)
Damage with Rokeran Snake Sand.
→ However, the opponent used a shield barrier.
→ I tried to look at another place without following the enemy.
→ After pursuing, after the barrier melts, it can be further attacked
The explanation because I knew it.
→ Flying from an enemy that is difficult to attack because I heard the sound of a jumper
A theory that prioritizes defeating enemies

(Around 18:40)
Move in a low jumper.
→ If you move early according to the surroundings, the possibility of being shot when flying is reduced.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:35)
CR RizArt. Is blown by an enemy shockwave grenade.
→ Use your shockwave grenade to join your allies.
→ → It is transmitted that you want to gather and move with "3 people" as much as possible.

(Around 21:20)
CR RizArt. Joins the enemy architecture while using it to cut diagonal lines.
→ I understand that simply being in a large space can only be shot.

[7 Enshrinement]
Riddle Maufin. Has moved to the enshrinement and is waiting.
→ Even if the other two are late, if you go to that place, you will be safe.
→ Two people can share the role of defeating enemies.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:30)
It is a place where Abe descends the mountain.
→ CR RizArt. Shoots a location and defeats the enemy by falling.
→→ Anne is going down the mountain.
There is a state where it falls and takes damage.

[9 Enshrinement]
By the time I went down the mountain, the enemy was alone.
→ After that, only three people defeat the enemy.
→ The fact that I was able to drop the enemy that was above in Rokeran led to Bichroy.
Because because they were on top (by shooting from the top, it was possible to interfere with the bottom interaction), the vicroy was taken because it was alive.

[3rd game]

Location: Retail low

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 10:00)
The shield is restored by placing an electric trap.
→ Just put a set-up item that is not used in the retail row,
There is a possibility of defeating enemies and zombies.
→ And most of the items remain, so if you use an item, you won't give it to other enemies for free.

(Around 10:40)
Get attacked by enemies with Grepon.
→ Expand the shield barrier.
→ The damage of explosive weapons can be suppressed.

(Around 11:50)
Attack the robot.
→ Robots give location information from everyone
And to reduce the means of attack.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 17:20)
The shape where other ally stuffs the place where you throw the Sting Bomb.
→ We know that no friendly fire will occur.
And the enemy that eats the Sting Bomb wants to drop from that place.
→ → Just two other people pack the damage of the Sting Bomb
It will also lead to an increase.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 21:30)
The enshrine is over the mountain.
→ Take a shape of climbing in the mountains using jumpers.
→ Since the top is at the bottom of the mountain, it is better to join the allies than take the top.
The theory you have been waiting for.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 21:55)
When CR RizArt. Joins Riddle Maufin., He attacks CR Ruri, who he thought was an enemy.
→ I do n’t think I ’m a friend, I think I ’m an enemy.
Attack that came out because it was acting.
→ If there was a real enemy, there was a possibility that both were being done.

[9 Enshrinement]
(Around 23:08)
Recognize that there are enemies on their materials.
→ Attack at rest.
→ Read the possibility that the enemy has no material.
→ If you can defeat the enemy, you can take the top.

[4th game]

Location: Retail low

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 12:48)
A barrage of fire that was held around the jumper they used to move.
→ Since the opponent knows that the opponent moves with a jumper, the attacking side is easy to understand.

(Around 13:47)
Although using the Locran, their wall hits (things created by the opponent?)
It will destroy the architecture.
→ If it is their architecture, the theory is a little impatient by being struck by the enemy before coming to the current position
→ Then attacked by enemies on the mountain.
→ Expand the shield barrier.
If it is done at a stretch, it uses items to ensure survival.

(Around 14:15)
The enemy on the mountain descends and attacks.
→ Moved to the enemy who attacked the enemy's hate on the outside by hitting a location on the building made by the opponent.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:30)
Head for enshrinement using jumpers.
→ The reason why I moved early is that there is no longer any merit in the current position.

(Around 15:50)
CR RizArt. Is drowned by an enemy attack.
→ Although it was possible to go to the house, it was easily hit by the opponent because it was a house with a large hole.

(Around 17:50)
By looking at the enemy coming from the outside of the enshrinement to the last minute,
Focused on the enemies that came and defeated them all at once.
→ If you are at this timing, you have beaten alone.
→ → Materials and weapons can be recovered, so it is very meaningful to kill only one person.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:45)
The enemy comes on the jumper that was originally placed.
→ Switch and use your jumper from another location.
→ After that, build the building on the enemy.

(Around 21:15)
Enemies come up using a shockwave grenade from the rest.
→ Riddle Maufin. Defeats the enemy with a calm movement.
→ It is important to calmly hit the enemy at any time.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:46)
Go on the shockwave grenade and go down to see the enemies trying to recover. (Riddle Maufin.)
→ Predict how the opponent is coming up, predict and go to the attack
Is posture necessary?

[9 Enshrinement]
(Around 24:00)
CR Ruri is attacked by the enemy and falls to the front of the enemy.
→ Then it is done at once.
→ While CR Ruri showed consciousness of moving into the enshrine, Riddle Maufin. Approached the enemy and killed it at once to avoid falling damage while eating.
→ Lastly not in the same place.
→ If you are at the same height together, there is little to do, even from the opponent
It becomes a movement that can be expected easily.

[5th game]

Location: Retail low

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 6:25)
Engage with enemies in the retail law.
→ The battle ends in the form of mutual checks.
→ The theory that I wanted to apply as little damage as possible with a storm surge.

(Around 8:00)
Discover that there was an enemy in a factory near the meteorite.
→ Even if you go around a little, you are turning from the south to avoid engaging with the enemy.

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 11:10)
Since the enemy was near, focus on and attack at once.
→ The enemy was considerably damaged, but switched to refuge movement.
→ If you keep fighting at the time of detention, you will be shot by enemies in detention.Maybe you went down if the down was in?

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 14:35)
Robots attack where they are.
→ While Riddle Maufin. Avoids using Shockwave Grenade, the robot collapses.
→ CR Ruri goes down.
→ I was down but I used a marker pin to tell where the enemy is.
Even if it is done down, it is only a “trio”, so the information you see
You can tell.

(Around 15:20)
As a result, CR Ruri will be killed.
→ CR RizArt. Also drowned
→ Survive with Riddle Maufin.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:35)
Enemies come on the road that had been advanced to enshrinement.
→ Riddle Maufin. Kills enemies well, though he takes a lot of damage.

[7 Enshrinement]
Head for enshrinement using jumpers.
→ Succeeded in defeating the enemy that was trying to recover.
→ Since I was not building in the direction outside the enshrinement, I was able to project as it was.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:24)
CR RizArt. Wants to go up with Shockwave Grenade.
→ Received a total attack from the enemy.
→ I went to a place where I couldn't build without destroying the enemy's foothold.
→ A theory that can be taken if the position of the enemy can be grasped even a little.

[6th game]

Location: Retail low

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 13:26)
Engage with the enemy because it is adjacent to the place where it was covered.
→ Because the opponent deployed a shield barrier, it was once a truce.
→ → At the same time as melting, reattempt the attack.
→ This time, on the contrary, the shield barrier was developed and the truce was closed.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:28)
Immediately after the engraving is decided, use the jumper to go to the middle of the enshrinement.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 19:00)
Succeeded in dropping flying enemies.
→ After that, use the jumper to make sure to go to the end.
→ Successfully killed only downed enemies.

Since then, everyone has gone out of materials.
→ The movement is switched to defeating enemies who are at the bottom and move at rest.
→ The result has succeeded in defeating some people.


* Retail law was in an environment where almost all materials, weapons, bullets, and shields could be prepared.
→ The Batorowa game was in a state where the best movement that we could do was possible with the luck factor set to zero.

* Improvement of collaboration
→ Attach an attack from another place after knowing the position of the ally firmly
Also, I was able to judge the situation at the timing when I was turning hate towards my ally and took another action.

So far, we have considered the first place of the Asia Trio at the FNCS Season Final and summarized the impressions!
Thank you for your hard work.

Since the squad theory is coming out next season, I personally think that the ability to collaborate will be important while being surely able to move in the trio.
Let's absorb good places and become good everyone!

Thank you for reading.
