
Odd Word

     Odd enjoymen arises when people show their sentiments through rhetorical form. Because the inability to control emotions that manifests itself in silence treatment, is as troublesome as the seizures of someone with epilepsy.

But not every sentence formed as a pure form of feelings. Sometimes words are a poison, and people like to play with it. Living with this complex communication will force you to think really hard about the true meaning behind what people say. “I love you” can also mean “I want you” and “I hate you” can also mean “I want you” with a sense of killing.

This ambiguity has fooled so many people. It's sad because some of them still hoping and let it fool them, to keep them exist, to keep their hope alive.

Maybe it sound like irony, but what I'm doing now are just the same. Leave in feeling and thought die in front of the gate of language. As a crucial tool in human history, language can also be the main reason for many end of world civilizations. Even history can be modified by it.

Just like us who didn’t learn from mistakes and let history repeat itself, there are so many conflicts caused by language in nowadays. In any aspect everything clashes, not a few of that is also end in death.

Language can also makes people's perspective on objectivity of facts are shift. They find it hard to use common sense, because they are consumed by a words of the people they love.

Likewise with prejudices to other individuals. They create their own picture in their subjective reality. That’s normal. But sometimes subjective reality will crosses the line so it's difficult for them to identify it as objective thing, and that’s the problem when they misinterpret subjective reality just because they cannot distinguish it from objective reality.

And of course most of us hate being misinterpreted by others so we just simply reject what people are talking about. That's where the conflict begin, and again language are used as a very effective tool to slander.

For me this kind of thing can't be changed either. I'm not that person who can reach every single human on this planet. But I wrote this note for myself as reminder that language is destructive, and there's no need to admire it.
